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England & Derbyshire LLP: Info

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England & Derbyshire LLP

England & Derbyshire LLP -

England & Derbyshire LLP have over 40 years of experience helping clients across Surrey and beyond. As an independent firm of solicitors they specialise in Matrimonial, Family, Civil Litigation, Motoring, Contract and Professional Negligence matters. They promise a personalised approach to your case, ensuring understanding and sensitivity to your unique circumstances.

Office Address: Tannery House, Tannery Lane, Send, , England, GU23 7EF
Web Address: Link unavailable. Click to see local map of alternatives >>
Email Address: admin@englandderbyshire.co.uk
Phone Number: 01483 332080

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England & Derbyshire LLP Solicitors in Guildford and Woking, Surrey: Review

There are alot of law firms to choose from. Not only that, there's a lot of different types of legal professional to choose from. These days, for many services, you don't even need to go to a typical high street solicitor. With all this choice available and the entire internet at your disposal - how do you pick the best legal help for you?

First thing is to make sure it's an actual legal services provider. There are hundreds of websites set up to look like they provide law-related services, but they may just be a "case reseller". This means that once you enter your details into their website, they will then sell your details on to an actual law firm. To avoid this there are a few things you can check.

"Drawing on over 40 years' experience, England & Derbyshire LLP is an independent law firm and our solicitors are among the most trusted in Surrey."

England & Derbyshire LLP

For today's article we're going to use the law firm England & Derbyshire LLP as an example. As you can see from this snippet from their front page, they use the words "law firm" and "solicitor". But to be sure a website is not misleading you with clever wording, it's best to check for an SRA number. The SRA is the Solicitors Regulation Authority and you can see - this firm is definitely registered with them.

What else can you check up on? Well, most firms make some sort of 'experience' claim. This can be either the number of years the firm has been running, the number of years the longest serving solicitor has been working, or the number of years of the staff members combined together. Those are very different from each other. The easiest way to check up on the experience of the actual staff at the firm is to look them up on their Law Society page.

"Our Family and Matrimonial department is headed by our Solicitor, Madeleine Jones, who has vast experience in handling Divorce, Separation, Child Arrangements, protective proceedings such as Non-Molestation Orders, and Financial Remedy proceedings."

The Law Society of England & Wales is a great resource which will not just show you the qualification dates of each solicitor within a firm - but also any alternate trading names they use, other office addresses, areas of expertise, languages spoken and more. If you check the page for this firm you'll see a range of experience amongst the staff. From seasoned veterans to fresh blood. The longest serving seems to have served 33 years as a solicitor.

"Our core sectors include Matrimonial, Family, Civil Litigation and Professional Negligence."

One thing people often ask us about is whether using a specialist legal practice is better than a multi-practice law firm. That's not actually as easy to answer as you might think. Because sometimes a large firm handling several different types of cases might actually have a specialist solicitor on staff for each one of the case types listed. It isn't always clear when this is the case though and the term "specialist" gets thrown around a lot. We would therefore recommend utilising the law society pages for this as well, because each solicitor will often have their case expertise listed.

Of course, the first thing people usually turn to when researching any potential company they might use - is prior client reviews. England and Derbyshire's website does state a few such comments:

"made me feel like I could/can tell her anything"
"goes beyond her role to help her clients"
"my life has changed"

A quick note on navigation though. We did struggle with Google a bit when trying to find information. That could be because the firm's name uses terms usually associated with location - i.e. "england" and "derbyshire". Therefore adding extra terms such as "solicitors" or "guildford" may be a good idea.

The official website is www.englandderbyshire.co.uk which we link to above. The .com does not redirect you there though and as you can see, the "&" part of the name is not in the web address. This is because you can't have an ampersand in web addresses. The firm could have www.englandandderbyshire.co.uk but as you can see, that looks really easy to mis-type.

"Our clients can be confident that we will provide them with the highest quality legal advice and representation in these areas."

Their website is HTTPS secure for submitting your details via their contact form. All this navigation information is important to note since the number of scams only seems to increase over the years. At the moment the main targets in the legal industry are the customers of conveyancing firms. Many have handed their entire house deposit to fraudsters. So always pay attention to which website you are on and who you are discussing your case with.

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with England & Derbyshire LLP it's best to visit the website (www.englandderbyshire.co.uk), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

England & Derbyshire Solicitors

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» Marcus Andreen Commercial Law - His website states an estimated saving of around 25% to 50% when compared to that charged by full service ...
» Law in Cornwall Ltd - They can help with disputes between directors ...
» Joanna Connolly Solicitor Advocates - I recommend a phone call to confirm the ins and outs of that though ...
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» Parkview Solicitors & Higher Court Advocates - On their site they say that "every client is just as important as the next ...
» Brearleys Solicitors Brighouse - All that can happen in the space of a few months ...
» Hartley Bain Solicitors in Stratford, Greater London - Corporate Immigration - with in depth knowledge and an abundance of experience within the corporate field ...
» Hythe Solicitors Robson & Co, near Folkestone in Southern Kent - Anyway - we're making too much of this ...
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