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Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors: Info

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Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors

Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors -

Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors specialise in civil litigation matters including Personal Injury, Medical Negligence, and Professional Negligence cases. They have the expertise and experience to deal with a wide range of issues no matter how big or small they may seem. They pride themselves on their client care and always try to understand the individual needs each client will have. They operate under a no win, no fee agreement and initial consultations are free.

Office Address: 21 Dalston Lane, , Greater London, E8 3DF
Web Address: Link unavailable. Click to see local map of alternatives >>
Email Address: info@rmsolicitors.com
Phone Number: 0207 490 1888

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Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors in Hackney: Review

Normally in our information articles about firms we tend to dive off into a few tangents about general things to watch out for when researching which legal service provider is best for you. Today's piece will be no exception and reading through the information for Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors provides ample opportunity to discuss common threads.

"We are a firm of Solicitors who specialise in civil litigation. Whether you have been involved in an accident, received bad advice, negligent medical treatment or have a dispute we're here to help."

When it comes to 'specialist' firms most people will tend to think of single case types such as a firm that handles divorce solely, or something like a lawyer who does motoring offence court work day in and day out. So when a firm lists several case types from workplace accidents to cyclist injury claims - it can seem strange that they refer to themselves as specialists. However the term is being used correctly in this instance.

Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors

In the same way that a Family Law specialist will handle divorce, child custody, and more; most cases involving claims against a third party for compensation (i.e. litigation) follow the same sorts of procedures and have similar issues to contend with. However if a single solicitor says they are a specialist in Family Law, Litigation, Criminal Law, and Conveyancing - that's when the term is not being used fairly.

"Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors was established in 2007"

Considering there's still a huge number of law firms quoting ancient founding dates such as 'established in 1771', a firm that opened in 2007 may sound almost brand new in comparison. However we've been reviewing law firms and trawling through dozens of such websites daily for over twenty years now. So take it from us, the majority of those 200-year-plus establishment claims are tenuous at best and often just plain misleading.

The age of the firm's brand name has absolutely no bearing on whether the actual solicitor assigned to your case has any experience at all. A 200-year-old firm might still stick you with a 1-year qualified lawyer. A 1-year-old firm might have several 40-year veterans on staff.

"We have dealt with a wide variety of cases."

Is there a way to find out how experienced a solicitor is? Glad you asked. Yes, if the firm is registered with a law society then you can usually find out quite a bit about them independently. Reynolds Macdonald are registered with The Law Society of England & Wales which is great because they have the most useful and info-packed user side database we know of.

If you check out the page for any firm on their site you should be able to see all office locations, any alternate trading names, languages spoken, case specialties, and the qualification dates and expertise of each individual solicitor within the firm. On this occasion there are two main solicitors: Michael MacDonald who qualified as a solicitor in 1993, and Thomas Reynolds who joined the legal profession in 1999. So despite the firm only have a decade and a half of existence, the firm itself has just over fifty years worth of experience within it.

"We are happy to have an initial discussion with you, with no obligation and no charge."

We would absolutely expect any firm handling litigation matters to offer this. If a firm tries to charge you to discuss an injury claim case, then move on to the next one quickly. There are various ways to have the case paid for, but as far as we're concerned no injury claim firm should even take any money from a client up front, during the case, or if the case loses.

"If you choose to instruct us we will act on a No Win No Fee or fixed fee basis."

This is the main way such cases are funded. Normally you will be asked to sign an insurance document to cover the costs of your case. That means should the case lose, the insurance policy pays your solicitor for the work they did. Depending on the type of case you may also be able to receive 100% of your compensation as well.

However, not all cases can be run like that and you may be asked to agree to a conditional fee arrangement. This is quite common for more difficult matters such as medical negligence. Conditional fee still means that if your case loses you pay nothing, but if your case wins your solicitor may receive a percentage of the compensation. The usual amount is 25% of the settlement. This may sound like a lot and you may find a solicitor that agrees to run the same case with a 100% compensation guarantee. But keep in mind that a good lawyer that gets you £5000 compensation and takes 25% of it is better than a less experienced lawyer who only gets you £2000 and takes none of it.

"We pride ourselves on the personal service that we provide to our clients in meeting their needs."

Unfortunately there weren't many public reviews on the regular boards such as Google, Facebook, Yell.com, etc. In fact the review on Yelp wasn't even about the correct firm, but the link to it still popped up in the top search results when searching for reviews about them. The one review we did see:

"provided a really helpful and professional service to help me make a claim"

was obviously very positive. Please be aware though that reviews for law firms are very different to reviews for things like restaurants or hairdressers. Whilst many people will be quick to jump online and tell people about a meal they've just eaten. They are far less likely to rush and publicly talk about their messy divorce, bankruptcy, or life-long brain injury. So if a legal service provider has few or even zero reviews, don't take it as a negative sign. It's very common.

A quick note on navigation as the firm branding is mainly 'Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors' but the web address and logo follows the 'RM Solicitors' style. The former will bring up the correct firm during related searches no problem. However if you search for the latter along with typical variants such as 'rm lawyers', 'rm legal', etc. there are plenty of other firms using those two initials.

"We are also known as the Cycling Solicitors www.cyclingsolicitors.com"

The official website we link to above is www.rmsolicitors.com and www.reynoldsmacdonald.com will redirect you there as well. Currently neither www.rmsolicitors.co.uk or www.reynoldsmacdonald.co.uk seems to be owned by the firm. The Cycling Solicitors website mentioned above is the same firm, just showcasing their extra interest in cycling related injury claims.

The main issue with similar domains not being owned or extra side websites only really becomes an issue in cases where the client needs to pay large sums of money such as in property sales/purchases. These have become heavy targets for scammers who somehow manage to convince home buyers to send their deposits to fraudulent bank accounts. Normally this is done by simply emailing the client stating the bank details for payment have changed. Apparently people really are sending tens of thousands of pounds to the fraudsters without bothering to check with their solicitor about the payment change first. It boggles the mind.

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors it's best to visit the website (www.rmsolicitors.com), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

RM Solicitors

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» DisrepairClaim.co.uk - div class="infoquote" "Depending on the solicitor we refer you to ...
» Beers LLP - If you've read through any of our other law firm cover articles ...
» OneLaw Chambers - Personally ...
» QualitySolicitors Burton & Co - To be on the safe side though ...
» Frazer Coogans Ltd - You can obtain a 40-year guru lawyer from a 1-year old firm ...
» My Law Matters - Most of you wanted to see independent review boards /b that also contain negative reviews ...
» Swain & Co Solicitors Ltd - On this occasion though all the a href="https ...
» Cooks Solicitors - We agree that it is always better to see both the positive and negative comments ...
» David Stinson & Co - The main difference /b between firms on the matter of fees is how they reclaim their own costs should the case win or lose ...
» Lefevres Law - There are lots of other little bits and pieces around the web that most regular consumers may not notice ...
» Youngs Solicitors - At the bottom of some of the pages on the Youngs website they link to their independent review boards on Google and Trustpilot ...
» The Legal Practice Ltd - Law firms can get so boastful of their ancient start dates that it makes TLP's claim of 1964 sound almost in it's infancy ...
» JPS Walker Solicitors Ltd - One of the best resources we always recommend people use when researching law offices and solicitors is any available local law society website ...

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