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Local Search Marketing for Law Firms | Local Search SEO Services for Solicitors from 1to1Legal 1to1 Legal UK 1to1 Legal USA
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Fed up advertising your Divorce firm only to get phone calls about Speeding Tickets? Fed up paying for directory listings only to be cold-called by thousands of marketing firms instead?

Potential clients come to us and search by case type and postcode to be shown solicitors that can help. They can then phone/email you directly, or visit your website for more information. But your details will only be shown to people with case types matching those you've selected at signup.
Law Firm Local Search
We have been marketing law firms on (and off) the web since 1999. We can do some pretty hefty name-dropping to impress if needed! We have purchased radio, magazine, newspaper, PPC, directory, and every other type of advertising you can think of for our law firm customers during that time.

1to1Legal.co.uk was initially created only for our own existing client base of 30-50 law firms as an extra weapon in the marketing arsenal we created for them. But, as the internet focus has moved to "LOCAL", so have we.


Find a Lawyer HOW DO YOU GET TARGETED CLIENTS? Visitors to our site enter in their postcode and the type of legal assistance they require, and our map shows the law firms nearest to them that are happy to handle that type of case. That not only saves the searcher time, it stops you wasting time answering enquiries you can't help with.

Also, to ensure that the law firms that list with our Local Search get their listing in front of a fair amount of people, we cap areas based on population. On average**, the target is 1 law firm per 100,000 population. Therefore, a city of 1million people would display only 10 law firms providing any particular type of legal service.

Google Analytics BUT THAT'S NOT THE BEST PART! As you can see from this recent* Analytics Snapshot, nearly 75% of the traffic to the 1to1Legal network comes from sources other than search engines. Oh, yes. That means, we are not reliant on Yahoo, Bing or even the almighty Google for visitors.
What does that mean for our listed law firms? Simple. It means that any Penguins, Pandas or other Google Animals that come along, won't stop us from providing the service you've paid for. Many directories rely almost solely on the traffic Google provides them. Of course, if they lose their rankings the day after you purchase advertising with them ... you're never going to get your money's worth. A large proportion of Legal Marketing Firms rely on Google's Adwords program too. A pay-per-click system that takes on hundreds of new law firms every week - all pushing up the cost of each other's advertising budget.

YOU COULD BE RECEIVING A NEW STREAM OF POTENTIAL CLIENTS IN JUST ONE HOUR! The sign up process should take less than a minute. You will then receive an email asking for some further details of your firm. Once we get that back, we'll get you added ASAP.***

Ready to proceed? First we have to check that there is space available in our database for your firm. As previously mentioned, the database is capped to only allow 1 law firm per 100,000 population.**

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Legal Small Print * Snapshot from our network analytics section taken on 18th February 2015.
** The goal of 1 law firm per 100,000 is not always 100% achieved, especially in very rural areas of the country where there may not even be 100,000 people within a reasonable driving distance of the law office in question. Contact us with your postcode and website address to receive more detailed information on being listed in your area.
*** Discounts available for firms located in low populations and firms with more than one office location.

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"Thank you ... I would like to renew." - Andrew C

"Thanks. I have tried a similar marketing scheme for 12-months with a different entity and not received 1 lead or referral whatsoever. Best regards" - ATL

"happy to go ahead with the renewal" - Lambertpugh

"refreshingly honest and accurate" - Claims Funding UK

*random snippets copy/pasted from comments made by third parties on the web such as twitter, facebook, linkedin, etc.
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