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Milners Solicitors

Milners Solicitors -

Milners Solicitors have helped individuals and businesses across Yorkshire for over 120 years. They handle a range of legal matters with offices in Leeds, Harrogate, and Pontefract. Their experienced staff are flexible and approachable, tailoring your case to your individual needs and goals. You will be provided a direct phone number for the lead solicitor on your case. Initial consultations are free.

Office Address: 11A Princes Square, , England, HG1 1ND
Web Address: Link unavailable. Click to see local map of alternatives >>
Email Address: hello@milnerslaw.com
Phone Number: 01423 530 103

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Milners Law LLP Solicitors in Leeds, Harrogate & Pontefract: Review

After more than a week of reviewing specialist firms, we're getting back to a more regular general practice setup with Milners Solicitors. By 'regular' we don't mean they are average. We just mean that when people think of a high-street, local solicitor firm - Milner's is exactly the type of setup they imagine. Multiple offices, a wide case range, and various solicitors working on their own specialist case subjects.

That may be confusing to use the word 'specialist' to describe both a firm that handles a single case range and one that covers a huge case range. But it is fair to use it that way as long as the lawyers working within the firm are focused on their own niche areas of law - i.e. not trying to jack-of-all-trades things. How can you tell the difference though?

"When you need legal expertise, you’ll find us plain talking and focussed on finding the right solution for you. We’re flexible and approachable, tailoring your case to your individual needs."

Milners Solicitors

That's a quote from the Milners' Law website. They have three offices in Leeds, Harrogate, and Pontefract. They handle private individual matters including Employment Law, Conveyancing, Personal Injury, Debt/Bankruptcy, and Wills/Probate. They also handle commercial matters including Business Disputes, Commercial Property, GDPR and Construction Litigation.

The best way we recommend to research any legal service provider is through their local law society website if possible. The Law Society of England & Wales has the best user-side offering we've seen amongst such organisations. That's great because that is who this firm is listed with. For each firm registered with this law society they display alternate trading titles, contact details for all offices, languages spoken, and (most importantly) the qualification dates and specialties of each solicitor within the firm.

"Our partners have amassed some seriously heavyweight legal experience working for bigger, more expensive, law firms. Now, through Milners, you can get your hands on all this legal expertise for a sensible price."

The information provided on the law society site certainly bears out their claims of extensive experience. They have lawyers on staff that joined the industry during all of the last three decades - such as Simon Bass who qualified as a solicitor in 1993, Victoria Barraclough in 2008, right up to Lazuna Ullah in 2019. A good mix of wise old heads alongside fresh young legs. An enviable position for any firm to be in which can surely only benefit clients.

There is further information about staff members on the Milner's website. Some staff have only a photo and direct contact details for each of them. Some have a bit more background about their work life. In this new generation ruled by Facebook and Instagram, we know that seeing such information can make a difference in a potential clients selection process. Therefore it's very important for good firms to make sure they have such staff profiles.

"It’s been the same throughout Milners’ 120-year history of delivering the best legal advice."

We're not a big fan of firms claiming long histories. To us it seems quite irrelevant as you could get a 1-year-qualified newbie solicitor at a 200-year-old firm or a forty-year-guru lawyer from a 1-year-old firm. Usually if we see a firm pushing the idea that they are better than other law offices simply because their branding is older - we tend to discover it's because that firm doesn't have much else to brag about. From the information we've seen that's not the case for Milners Solicitors. But it is something to bear in mind when looking at what other firms choose to boast about.

"with our combined strength and determination we are always committed to delivering the results you need."

The biggest thing for most people when choosing a service online is the reviews. Be aware however that legal service providers are not treated the same way as other industries. For one thing, there will often be far less reviews of law firms. People are very quick to jump online and praise/complain about a restaurant they've just been to. But less people are inclined to rush to tell everyone about their horrible divorce, criminal trial, or bankruptcy proceedings. So minimal or even zero online reviews for even a great firm is not uncommon.

"very professional and helpful and provided a personal service which I imagine larger companies would not be able to provide"

"a professional and personable approach to what was a daunting experience"

"committed to the traditional values of common decency and value for money "

"service was fast and professional, much better than solicitors I have used in the past"

Those are some snippets from the testimonials posted on the firm's own website. If they sound a little different or slightly more zealous than the reviews you typically see on third party boards such a Google, Trustpilot, Yell.com or Yelp - we'd agree, but that's actually very common.

Normally such testimonials are created from written responses to some sort of customer service feedback form. Sometimes with specific questions but then all answers are rolled into one paragraph of a testimonial. People naturally write differently in response to these requests from the actual firm compared to how they write comments to their circle of friends. We ran a poll last year and only 8% of people said they trusted company testimonials. So how do the independent forums look?

"Professional, supportive and very responsive"

"have the kind of tenacity you want from a law firm"

"offered thorough, honest advice and was so efficient and friendly"

"Emails are responded to very quickly, and I have been able to speak to my conveyancer by phone whenever I have needed to."

The majority are very positive. We did see a few negative ratings but the comments were not particularly helpful as to why such a rating had been left. For example, it looked like one was by a law student who got turned down for a job. We always recommend reading actual comments rather than flicking through ratings anyway when it comes to law firm reviews. If you saw someone posting a negative review about Pizza Hut saying 'they wouldn't sell me a Big Mac!' - you'd think they were a little nuts. But we've seen negative reviews of solicitors by people angry they refused to handle their specific type of case.

A quick note on navigation. The branding is 'Milners' but you will see most title-ing being 'Milners Solicitors' and the website address is based on Milners Law. Add to that people messing with things like using Milner's instead and we think it's a good idea to bookmark the correct site or using a search instead when coming back. (Quick tip, if you want to see reviews about a specific office near you, you need to add the town name to the search such as 'milners law wakefield'.) The official website we link to above is www.milnerslaw.com and currently www.milnerslaw.co.uk does not redirect you there. Variants such as www.milnerssolicitors.com or .co.uk also are not related.

This becomes important to note because the firm handles property matters which have been the target of high value scams for many years now. People recieve emails from scammers stating the bank details they need to pay their house deposit into have changed. Those people then apparently pay tens of thousands into the fraudster's bank account without bothering to check with the solicitor that the email is indeed correct. That's why we recommend bookmarking the correct site because typo-ing the web address in your browser bar could quickly end up with you on a fake site (see phishing).

"At Milners solicitors we offer a free initial consultation where you can speak to a member of our specialist team."

This may sound like an offer you'd expect from every law firm these days. It's something certainly Personal Injury law firm will offer because the majority run cases on no win, no fee anyway. But for matters such as Family Law there are still plenty of firms that charge full priced fees even for the initial consultation. So this is much more of a decent offer than it may first appear. With any firm offering free consultations, it's always best if you can meet with the actual lawyer who would then be going on to run your case.

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Milners Solicitors it's best to visit the website (www.milnerslaw.com), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

Milners Law LLP

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» Michael Leighton Jones Solicitors - div class="infoquote" "Simply contact us to book a free no obligation meeting" /div For Personal Injury and Property matters we would expect every single solicitor in the UK to offer free consultations ...
» Taylor Price Legal Ltd - Word like 'friendly' ...
» Ullah Law Associates - For any firm listed you'll be able to see alternate contact details ...
» RM Solicitors - Normally in our information articles about firms we tend to dive off into a few tangents about general things to watch out for when researching which legal service provider is best for you ...
» Simper Law - The case range seems quite large for a small firm though ...
» Disrepair Claims UK - There is a simply huge number of keyword related websites targeting this area of litigation such as www ...
» Beers Solicitors LLP - It's true the majority of firms we write about are going to receive fairly positive comments /b because we've already vetted them for addition to our search database ...
» One Law Solicitors & Barristers - For example ...
» Burton & Co Quality Solicitors - The QS site is https secure for submitting your personal details via the contact forms ...
» Frazer Coogans Solicitors - This is important to note due to the a href=https ...
» Fentimans My Law Matters - We've even seen a divorce client leave a one star rating on a criminal law firm for not handling divorces ...
» Swain and Co Solicitors - But that happens constantly for law firms ...
» Cook's Solicitors - We agree that it is always better to see both the positive and negative comments ...
» David Stinson & Co Solicitors - The only exception to this would really be a medical negligence case against the NHS ...

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