ULA Solicitors Ltd: Info
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ULA Solicitors Ltd - Law Firm in London: Review
If you've read any of our other articles you'll have noticed that we often have to report on various issues or things to watch out for when researching or using any particular law firm. However this article on ULA Solicitors was nice and straightforward. That in itself is a positive sign not to be dismissed.
They even listed the fact they work with Legal Aid clearly on their funding options page. We didn't have to search through the small print to find out. But the fact they still work with Legal Aid at all these days is something very unique. Ever since the '90s the government has been stripping away what Legal Aid covers and the amount a solicitor can earn under it's scheme. It has not kept up with the rise in regular inflation/fees at all. That's why most firms will not help clients that rely on Legal Aid for funding.
It's something we've covered before, but the fact a firm states it handles a wider range of cases does not mean it cannot also still claim to be a 'specialist' firm. There is a difference (and we'll tell you how to spot it below) between a firm where all the solicitors try to handle all the various case types - and a firm where each of the solicitors are specialists in their own area of law. ULA apparently started out with just a single case type in mind, having set up as:
They then branched out into other areas of law as the firm grew. The simplest way to check on the expertise, experience, and 'specialist' status of any firm is through their local law society. This firm is registered with The Law Society of England & Wales which is great because they have the best user-side offering we've seen amongst similar organisations across the UK. For any firm listed you'll be able to see alternate contact details, all office locations, cases handled, languages spoken, and more.
Most firms make claims about having years, decades, or even (tenuously) centuries of experience under their belts with statements such as 'established in 1771'. The most important figure we think people should focus on is not how old the brand name is, but the number of years experience the actual solicitor that will be handling your case has. If you check out the page on the law society site for ULA Solicitors Ltd you'll see the qualification dates and case focus of each solicitor within the firm. It states Julian Groombridge qualified as a solicitor in 1998, Mohammed Ullah in 2004, Ines Azreyek-Diab in 2013, and others. Having a mix of seasoned, older heads with fresh legs can surely only be a positive asset for any legal service provider?
Again, claiming the customer comes first is something mentioned by practically every single law firm's website. The main resource people check out for this is the public review boards such as Google, Facebook, Yelp, Trustpilot, Yell.com and so on. Some firms post testimonials on their sites, but according to our poll last year only 8% of you trust company provided testimonials. ULA list positive quotes from peers on their site, which is something we would consider to be much better than customer testimonials. But what do the third party sites say customer feedback is like for this firm?
"provided me with an excellent and experienced barrister"
"I got the maximum compensation and the case was settled much quicker than initially anticipated"
"managed to get Visa for my 83 years old mother who has been in the UK for past 14 years without a valid leave"
Usually the public boards are crammed with unhelpful comments such as 'Great!' or 'Avoid!' with no accompanying reason. However for ULA Solicitors there are plenty of in-depth reviews stating exactly how they were helped. It would be wonderful if all company reviews could be like that as you can get a real sense of the positive/negative themes of each firm that way. The main concept that stood out to us was that the firm certainly lives up to it's claims about not shying away from more complex cases. Reading between the lines, it's probably safe to assume they have confidence in their expertise and experience to handle such tasks.
We've always been a fan of case studies but we've been working in the industry for over 20 years now. We recently found out consumers also actually enjoy such articles about previous cases a firm has handled. ULA Solicitors showcase several such case studies on their site if that also helps give you a sense of the firm.
They have staff profiles for most members of their team too. We've seen a sad trend for solicitors to start listing their favourite foods and pet's names in their profiles. We've been told it's an attempt to appear 'more human' - which we've no idea what that means. Thankfully ULA Solicitors have gone with the traditional photo, work history, and contact details which is great and something we think every law firm should provide.
A quick note on navigation. The official site we link to above is www.ulasolicitors.com with www.ulasolicitors.co.uk not currently redirecting you there. The branding is quite unique and the various alternate searches we tried such as 'ula lawyers', 'ula law firm', etc. all came up with the same site. The official name is ULA Solicitors Ltd and if you see any mentions of Ullah Law Associates (U.L.A.) - that was the name of the firm prior to 2018.
The issues with other similar domain names being available and alternate searches really only affects cases where the client has to pay large sums of money such as property matters. Those are the types of cases scammers tend to target. For example, the biggest scam going around the UK just now is when fraudsters email clients saying the bank details for their house deposit have changed. Those clients then simply transfer the money to the fraudster's bank account without bothering to check with their solicitor about the payment change. Make sure you keep aware of the site you're on and never discuss payment details in emails
General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with ULA Solicitors Ltd it's best to visit the website (www.ulasolicitors.com), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

This ULA Solicitors Ltd article is rated
4.2 / 5 based on 18 reviews. †
(Voting has been paused for this page.)

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div class="infoquote" "We are also known as the Cycling Solicitors www ...
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» One Law Solicitors & Barristers - £millions have been lost ...
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» Fentimans My Law Matters - This can be to highlight a particular case type /b as a specialty or simply to create a more national branding if their original name is something very local ...
» Swain and Co Solicitors -
However the best website for getting information /b about a law firm in our opinion is The Law Society of England & Wales ...
» Cook's Solicitors - People a href=https ...
» David Stinson & Co Solicitors - For a name that's been around for a while ...
» Lefevres Scotland Ltd - There are lots of other little bits and pieces around the web that most regular consumers may not notice ...
» Young & Co Solicitors - We have zero hesitation in recommending that you ignore such comments ...
» The Legal Practice Solicitors - One very common thing we come across on law firm websites are founding date claims ...

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