Davey Law: Info
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Davey Law Solicitors in Cirencester and Gloucester: Review
This will be my 49th law firm review article for this site. Why did I feel like mentioning that number? Because this is the first time I'm going to be writing about a regular law firm. If you've read through any of the previous 49 pieces, you'll know that we just love getting the unique, modern, and fringe services brought onto to our panel for people to have the widest range of choices in legal help.
We have startup firms, niche firms, countryside firms, virtual firms, local firms, international firms - you name it. But until I actually sat down to write about Davey Law, it didn't hit me that we had just secured the services of a stereotypical solicitor's practice. The kind that most of the people coming through our network probably expect to be referred to.
Is there something wrong with being normal?
Davey Law has two offices, covering a wide range of cases, a decent online presence, good reputation, plus an average sized but considerably experienced staff - most of which have worked there for many years. Their staff even look all solicitor-y, with a clear balance of ages and genders. If we asked people to imagine a typical, modern solicitor's firm - Davey Law is exactly what would spring to most people's minds.
So lacking any unusual features to comment on, is this also going to be my shortest article?
These days, people are obsessed with 'individuality'. Flocks of people will run out and get a donkey tattoo simply because their favourite celebrity got one. They will all buy the same headphones, smartphone, and clothes - because someone convinced them that doing so would help them define their own individuality. Any company that can't offer something special, is believed to be risking failure. At the most basic level, people need to be able to write on social media "I've decided to use X because of Y." They need something to stand out to be able to convince others that they researched all the alternatives, but that particular thing sealed the deal.
So yes. Absolutely I'm going to write a lengthy piece about this firm. Because not seeking attention deserves some attention. I'm going to stuff your brain so full of information about the normal-ness of this firm, you'll end up convinced that being regular makes something extra-special.
Davey Law "provide practical solutions for personal and business issues". They state a belief that "listening", "common sense" and a "human approach" are all major attributes they strive for in order to accomplish that goal. So much so, that I'm pretty sure all three are mentioned on every single page of their website. From their family law page:
"When you need legal advice, we'll always be happy to help. Come and see us; let's talk over a cup of tea or coffee about the issues that are on your mind. We're good at listening - and good at finding common sense, practical solutions for you."
For family law, they can help with cohabitation, divorce, child support, pre nuptial agreements, abuse, etc. Individually they can handle negligence, disputes, injuries, litigation, property, wills, and more. Whilst for businesses they cover things like disputes, property, insolvency and employment law.
As I said, they have two office locations having recently moved one to new office space in Gloucester. Their contact page not only provides details about available parking nearby, but also alternative postcodes to use in your satnav so that you end up in exactly the right spot.
As for the staff, I wasn't exaggerating when I said they were well experienced. The firm's director, Peter Davies, has 35 years invested in the firm. He is a member of the Law Society's specialist Personal Injury Panel, and also the Headway Brain Injury Association for solicitors. He's a Deputy District Judge in the local County Court and is accredited as a senior litigator within the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL).
Mark Tawn became a solicitor in 1994 and for the past 20 years has specialised in personal injury litigation. He is also on the Law Society's Personal Injury Panel since 1999, and was a key-note speaker at the Cambridge Medico-Legal conference. He has secured millions of pounds in compensation for his clients.
Christopher Mills profile is of note as an appointed Deputy in the Court of Protection, allowing him to represent vulnerable adults and clients who lack mental capacity to manage their own financial affairs. It doesn't dramatically drop off in experience from that point either. Isobel Addison and Anita Arora each have about 20 years practising law, with around 10 of those years being spent at Davey Law.
The firm offer articles and blog posts. They involve themselves with the local community such as the Cirencester Businesswomen's Club Lunch. They have the usual spread of social media profiles for you to interact with too.
"We are happy to arrange home or hospital visits throughout Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Wiltshire and further afield. Please contact us to arrange for one of our experts to come to see you."
That offer will definitely appeal to one particular group of case types commonly known as 'serious injury' compensation claims. These are usually life changing and chronic conditions such as head injuries, spinal injuries, amputations, and so on resulting from an accident or negligence. Firms will usually state such experience separately rather than just bundling them in under the general heading of personal injury. We cannot stress enough the importance of using a firm that states expertise and experience in such cases by name.
Davey Law has even created an extra website on the subject at www.seriousinjury.expert where you can read some success stories and testimonials from previous clients.
On that subject, navigation is something we need to make a few notes on. For example, as you'll no doubt have noticed - the individual serious injury website I've linked to above does not use typical tld identifiers. It uses one of the new .expert extensions. www.seriousinjury.co.uk and www.seriousinjury.com take you to completely different firms. On top of that, www.daveylaw.com also takes you to a different company. We therefore recommend bookmarking the official www.daveylaw.co.uk site once you're on it.
General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Davey Law it's best to visit the website (www.daveylaw.co.uk), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

This Davey Law article is rated
4.2 / 5 based on 18 reviews. †
(Voting has been paused for this page.)

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