Hammond Trotter Solicitors: Info
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Hammond Trotter Solicitors Ltd | Motor Offence Lawyers in Manchester & London: Review
We first added Hammond Trotter Solicitors to our list of recommended firms back in 2015. When it comes to motoring offences, people usually want a specialist hoping they'll know a simple loophole or trick to 'get them off'. So sure enough, we sought out a specialist to start recommending to people. But not Mr Loophole.
Martin Hammond and Philip Trotter qualified as solicitors back in 2005 and 1999 respectively. So they certainly could have the experience to be the country's leading motoring firm. They also have offices in two of the largest population centres in England. However, they state a success rate of 87% and I'm sure you've seen several firms stating successes in the 90-100% range. So does this mean they are less capable?
No. As with everything else, you need to pay attention to the wording on the Hammond Trotter website:
Winning actual trials is a much harder job than simply helping someone mitigate the penalties. There is a motor offence firm still active at the time of writing this which states a 98% success rate on their website. But in this case the small print states the word 'success' only meant achieving the expected outcome. Not winning a trial in court. It's the same as shampoos which say '90% of users would recommend us!' only to have 'out of 20 people we asked this morning' in small print on the back. The 87% on Hammond Trotter's website is an average over an entire year for actual drink, drugs and failure to provide trials. We're reading solicitor's websites daily. Trust us, that's impressive.
This is the closest they probably come to being like the infamous Mr Loophole who the newspapers publicised for helping celebrities with more money than sense wriggle out of offences. You can search this firm's name on a news search and there's no fantastical articles about them getting the rich and famous off the hook for something they likely deserved to be punished for. Hammond & Trotter are not exactly cheap, but at least they'll listen to your circumstances for free before quoting you a price for whatever work they think is needed to resolve the matter.
Always remember, though, that fighting a motor offence case is hardly ever about finding an odd technicality to have the matter thrown out. If there were really that many people getting away with things because of a technicality then the laws would constantly be being changed. So if the website you're on talks (or even brags) about such situations as their main selling point - then in our experience that usually indicates a less experienced solicitor. We've been working in the legal industry alongside solicitors for over 20 years now. Working with the law and the court system is the simplest and most effective way of resolving a matter.
So after all this time there must surely be plenty of reviews on the firm? Yes there is. The usual suspects such as Yellow Pages, Yelp, TrustPilot and so on show dozens of comments providing high praise and high star values. Oddly there are only a handful of reviews on Google and each office is treated individually. There are 5 stars for one location but only 3 stars for the other. Unfortunately, when you have a very low number of reviews from which to draw an average - just one even middle-ing review can cause a large slip. This is a shame and hopefully more people will search further for a wider range of comments:
"You kept me informed throughout and were always on hand to help and give guidance"
"Without them I would have lost my license then my job"
"many lawyers told me I got no chance to win the case but I'm glad that they made it for me"
We're not a big fan of the testimonials firms usually place on their websites as they often pick the most mundane and least informative quotations. The ones above are taken from the independent review sites. In all honestly, I don't think there is another firm anywhere on our network with this many reviews listed on third party forums. Let alone good reviews.
Of course, motoring offences can be life changing events. Losing a license can often mean losing a job, let alone the school run, grocery shopping, weekends away, nights out, kids clubs, etc, etc, etc. So it's not surprising that if a firm has stopped the worst from happening, people will be overwhelmed and want to express their appreciation. The same effect probably doesn't come from a Divorce or help writing a Will.
Good advice from the firm. The more you know the easier it will be to understand your options and choose the right person to help you. As Hammond Trotter continuously repeat on their site though - time is of the essence. The longer a motor offence runs on for, the less options become available. Many places around the country offer to send you to a Safe Driving course rather than formally prosecute you. This is often a one-day event listening to a lecturer. However this option is usually only made available if you respond quickly.
The number of possible offences is always growing. Refusing to Provide a Specimen, Drink Driving, Drugged Driving, Failure to Provide a Specimen, Speeding, Driving whilst Disqualified, Driving Without Due Care & Attention, Using a Mobile Phone, Driving Without Insurance, Failure to Stop at the Scene of an Accident, Failure to Name a Driver and many more. There is a reason most people seek out a motor offence specialists rather than just using the same solicitor that handled their whiplash claim the year before.
Even if you decide not to use a solicitor, at least call one to discuss what options are available. Certainly, the cost of the fine and the increase in your insurance from speeding points may work out to be considerably less than the cost of defending yourself. It's a sad but true statement, and naturally results in many people pleading guilty just to save time and money. However, if it's something more serious and your whole life could change without the ability to drive yourself around - then the cost is less of a factor.
A few points on navigation. The website we link to above is www.drivingdefences.co.uk with the .com version working (www.drivingdefences.com) but only displaying and linking to the main site. There is an almost mirror of that site again at www.hammondtrotter.co.uk but nothing at all at www.hammondtrotter.com and we didn't even check the hyphenated versions. Obviously with the double 'm' and double 't' there are possibilities of tired keyboard slips and misspellings so we would recommend bookmarking the main site to come back to later.
General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Hammond Trotter Solicitors it's best to visit the website (www.drivingdefences.co.uk), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

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