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RJ Gill Solicitors: Info

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RJ Gill Solicitors

RJ Gill Solicitors -

Attention to detail and a desire to exceed client expectations are what set RJGill apart from the crowd. They believe it's better to be smart and creative, rather than loud and aggressive. This has earned them respect and a recognisable reputation with their opposition. Their area of expertise is personal injury cases, road traffic accidents, accidents in the workplace, slips, trips and falls, professional negligence, complex catastrophic injury claims, and fatal accidents/injuries. RJGill is a member of The Law Society and the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL).

Office Address: Allied Business Centre, 1 Potter Place West Pimbo, , England, WN8 9PW
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Email Address: N/A
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RJ Gill Solicitors in Skelmersdale: Review

If you've used our site before, you'll know that we try to offer a selection of firms to people seeking legal help. Local and national, specialist and general law, large and small. We seek them out, research them, and if they offer something we don't already have on our network - we include them.

RJGill may seem to have a small range focus targeting mainly the most common types of personal injury. But that's the point. Their Skelmersdale office lies just around the borders of both Merseyside and Lancashire, where we already offer plenty of other accident claim firms for people to choose from. The reason we decided to bring this firm on board as well, is to offer something more streamlined and dedicated to speedy resolutions.

Most large and general law firms will handle an injury compensation claim, but they will also handle divorce, wills, business law, conveyancing, and more. In such cases, even with a dedicated personal injury team, the way in which personal injury claims are handled is often the same as all the other case types. Despite the modern age, some firms can still get bogged down with bureaucracy - both internally between staff and externally with the clients. This is not to say that you'll get a bad outcome. It just may feel like it's dragging on un-necessarily.

RJ Gill Solicitors

That's where RJ Gill come in. As they deal with only the most common types of accident compensation such as road accidents, slips and trips, work injuries, and professional negligence - they will be set up to process them in the fastest and most efficient way possible. This doesn't mean cutting corners and it doesn't mean accepting a smaller amount of compensation. It just means that everything in their office including the staff, software, paperwork, resources, etc. will all be ready to go all the time, with only injury claims on their mind.

This should result in your claim being handled faster and more efficiently, which means lower legal costs for the third party, which means an inclination towards a faster settlement and agreement to the requested compensation amount. You see, if the third party's insurer believes the whole claim should only cost them around £8000 - then they don't care whether they pay out £6000 compensation to you and £2000 legal fees to your solicitor early on, or £4000 compensation to you and £4000 legal fees if the case has taken much longer for your solicitor to put together. However they may very well have a problem with paying out £6000 to you and £4000 legal fees if they feel those legal costs have been accrued un-necessary. Having personally been in the room and on both sides of the fence several times - both in court and out of court settlement proceedings - I've witnessed the stubbornness of solicitors and barristers when it comes to legal fees.

So that's why we wanted a firm like RJ Gill on board our network. But what do RJ Gill think their strong points are?

There is no shortage of positive phrases such as "high quality legal advice", "a no-nonsense approach", "expert team of specialist lawyers", and "always there for you". Which all sound great, except that we wouldn't expect any firm to consider themselves low quality, non-experts, never there for you, or enjoying nonsense. So digging a little deeper we were glad to see better explanations of commonly over-used phrases such as "no win, no fee". To quote their site:

"Funding your claim is extremely simple and more importantly, we do not ask for any fees from you at the beginning of your claim; We will of course deal with the funding of your claim on an individual case by case basis, however the vast majority of Clients will benefit from a 'No-Win, No-Fee' agreement."

To us this puts across a far better description of the no win, no fee concept compared to a lot of firms that simply quote the phrase as a sort of slogan. On it's own, many people mistake the phrase no win, no fee as meaning there are no fees at all. But without the accompanying catchphrase of "100% compensation", that may not be true. Whilst you may not have to pay fees if your case fails, you could end up paying out 25% of your compensation to the law firm handling your case. That's why clarity is important. RJGill's statement above gives a far better impression about the various financial arrangements possible.

Of course, that means despite them using even more common phrases such as "always transparent", "clear communication", "nothing is hidden", and so on which you'll see on most law firm's websites - on this occasion we have to say that such phrases are warranted.

RJ Gill's solicitors also pride themselves on being "personable", leading to many clients recommending them to friends and family. They also boast about being engaged in the community, with sponsorship and support of local organisation such as Upton Juniors FC, Blackbrook ARLFC, and the Steve Prescott foundation. Perhaps 'boast' is too strong a word though, because whilst some firms will devote large sections of their website to displaying their charitable nature, coupled with plenty of press releases about how charitable they are - we don't see any of that here.

So who are they?

Starting off in Wigan back in 2004, Robert Gill left the firm he was working at to start up on his own. Now a dozen years later the firm has relocated to Skelmersdale and has around 20 staff. RJ Gill Solicitors is a trading name of Gilgrescu Limited, but Gilgrescu doesn't really show up in the branding and there is no separate website for the base company. There is nothing odd or shifty about this though. Whilst some firms will set up a 'trading as' brand to avoid tarnishing their main company's name should things go wrong, on this occasion the 'trading as' name is the founding solicitor's own name. Robert Gill = R J Gill. Hard to leave that one behind!

Robert Gill's own profile on the site is full of language regarding his goal "to make a real influence in the lives of people", including his belief that connecting well with a client and understanding their emotional state as much as possible - will result in a better handled case and outcome. It also re-iterates a statement seen elsewhere on the site that "it's better to be smart and creative rather than loud and aggressive".

Other solicitors at the firm include Anthony Scully, with over 20 years' experience dealing with personal injury claims such as motor accidents, employer and public liability. Plus Steven Green, described as an "approachable, sympathetic, no nonsense lawyer". He too has considerable experience dealing with personal injury cases from relatively minor injuries to major incidents resulting in permanent physical or psychological disabilities.

Lastly, a quick note on navigation. Obviously the link we've provided above is to www.rjgill.co.uk, but the alternative www.rjgill.com is owned by a different firm. At the moment it is a totally different company based overseas, but you never know. Also there is an RJ Solicitors based in Bradford, but they do not seem to have an online presence so much. Either way, it's probably best to bookmark the correct site to ensure no typing or search errors.

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with RJ Gill Solicitors it's best to visit the website (www.rjgill.co.uk), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

RJGill Solicitors

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» www.elselaw.co.uk - The odd part on this occasion was the "research the best firms" part of that process ...
» www.meresbrookpollardsolicitors.co.uk - I've spoken with both of them over the phone and they genuinely do sound like the font color="green" "friendly" /i /font people they call themselves on their website ...
» www.huneewothsolicitors.co.uk - Information and statements like these are crucial to putting a potential client's mind at ease ...
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» www.cubismlaw.com - As for the www ...
» www.claimsfundinguk.co.uk - This loan is then paid back out of your compensation settlement ...
» www.ashmanssolicitors.com - But this seems to no longer be the case ...
» www.kctrust.co.uk - Another paragraph that caught our eye ...
» www.blainboland.co.uk - clear ...
» www.amnestysolicitors.com - We link to the web address www ...

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