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Nesbit Law Group LLP: Info

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Nesbit Law Group LLP

Nesbit Law Group LLP -

One of the fastest growing law firms in the UK, with 4 offices across the length of England including Bury, Liverpool, Birmingham and London. They aim to be a professional, modern, and approachable firm, taking pride in excellent customer service for their clients. They promise to deal with your claim efficiently and with meticulous care. Their staff speak a range of languages to help accomplish this, so it's no wonder they've been winners at the Personal Injury Awards.

Office Address: Warth Business Centre, , England, BL9 9TB
Web Address: Link unavailable. Click to see local map of alternatives >>
Email Address: N/A
Phone Number: N/A
Nesbit Law Group LLP

Nesbit Law Group LLP -

Nesbit Law has four offices across the length of the country, including Birmingham, London, Liverpool and Bury. They strive to utilise the best technology and techniques to enable their solicitors to turn around cases more quickly than the industry average. They have dedicated teams for each area of practice such as Road Traffic Accidents, Industrial Disease and PTSD. Their staff also speak a large number of languages, enabling them to help a wider range of people.

Office Address: Oriel Chambers Suite, 2E/F 14 Water St, , England, L2 8TD
Web Address: Link unavailable. Click to see local map of alternatives >>
Email Address: N/A
Phone Number: N/A
Intricate Law

Intricate Law -

Intricate Law is part of the Nesbit Law Group of solicitors with 4 offices across the country in London, Birmingham, Liverpool and Bury. They state a desire to be a professional, modern, and approachable firm, utilising the best technology and techniques to enable their solicitors to turn around cases more quickly than the industry average. They promise to keep you informed of your case's progress every step of the way, and can do so in a range of languages.

Office Address: 7 New Square, , Greater London, WC2A 3QS
Web Address: Link unavailable. Click to see local map of alternatives >>
Email Address: N/A
Phone Number: N/A

Nesbit Law Firm on YouTube

Nesbit Law Group LLP | Law Firm in Bury, Liverpool, Birmingham & London: Review

With four offices long the length of the country, the Nesbit Law Group consider themselves to be a professional, modern, and 'approachable' firm. Located in Birmingham, London, Liverpool and Bury, their staff speak a range of languages with dedicated teams for various types of case such as Road Traffic Accidents, Industrial Disease and PTSD. One of the more notable statements from their website is:

"We utilise the best technology and training techniques, enabling our fee earners and solicitors to turn around cases far more quickly than the industry average."

This is something every potential client obviously wants to hear. Couple that with the promises about keeping clients informed of case progress "every step of the way", as well as dealing with that case "efficiently and with meticulous care", plus claiming "exceptional case success rates" - and you may think that this firm is simply trying to appease every possible type of potential client concern. However, the flip side of that is that Nesbit Law clearly understand what type of things a client is looking for in a firm. So don't be so darn cynical.

Nesbit Law Group LLP

With a win at the Personal Injury Awards for "Claimant Personal Injury Team of the Year", it's no surprise that their main focus is injury compensation claims.

They can seek compensation for injury, damages and loss following a road traffic accident. This includes MIB cases where the third party is either un-insured or is un-traceable having fled the scene of the accident. They also offer to take on your already existing road traffic case if your current solicitor is struggling or unwilling to proceed - usually on the basis that some sort of fraud has been alleged by the defendant. Beyond the MIB, they also deal with the CICA (Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority) on your behalf when you have to claim compensation after being the victim of a violent crime.

They also cover slip/trip cases (public liability claims) for injuries sustained in public places or on public transport. They deal with accidents at work (employer liability) for claims involving injuries sustained whilst carrying out your job. They have a dedicated occupational/industrial disease department for workers claiming compensation for any diseases and illnesses caused by their workplace. Asbestosis, Vibration White Finger, Industrial Deafness, Mesothelioma and so on are the well known resulting conditions from work environments in the UK - but that is not an exclusive list.

They even cover claims against care homes if you or a loved one is in respite or full-time residential care. Whilst falls and injuries in such places can be common and even expected with conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia - that only means that the care homes themselves should have the right equipment and staff trained to deal with such situations. Such a case by NesbitLaw was highlighted in the news after a claim of neglect resulted in prison sentences (suspended) for the staff members accused.

Whilst RTA compensation claims have a bad reputation and are often scapegoated as one of the main reasons for rising insurance costs (see our other articles for details on actual reasons for premium rises), it really isn't the case that all insurers would rather settle every whiplash case instantly because fighting it costs more. I've actually worked for insurance firms along side their solicitors/barristers. Solicitors can be shaken from their pursuit of a case if it becomes clear that the insurer has good grounds, or simply the desire to drag a case out and therefore extend the claiming solicitor's costs. Because of this, NLG has become a hub for taking over cases that other solicitors don't feel they can afford to risk pursuing any further. Mostly because of allegations of fraud - i.e. that the insurer alleges that the claimant is not being completely honest in their claim about the incident and/or their injuries.

The complications that can arise when one side alleges fraudulent behaviour are considerable. That makes using a firm that actually wants to handle such cases - imperative. Yes, I know. We usually avoid making clear cut recommendations of one firm over an other when it comes to personal injury claims. But on this occasion we'll make a clearly understandable exception. If you do have a case where you've been accused of dishonest behaviour, then we think it is a very good idea to give Nesbit Law a call. Just as an example, have a read of this article about two cases NLG had to sort out where fraud was alleged. Within the first few paragraphs I'm betting you'll give up reading and start dialling to take advantage of their expertise in what is clearly a tricky area of law.

A brief history of the man behind it all: Alan Nesbit set up Nesbit & Co Solicitors in Bury in 2003. He is himself an APIL (Association of Personal Injury Lawyers) accredited lawyer at Senior Litigator level, but now spends most of his time managing the ever growing Nesbit Law Group. In 2009, Alan set up ARC (the Association of Regulated Claims Management Companies), a trade association that provides support and guidance to claims management businesses. He also sits on the MOJ Regulatory Consultative Group for Claims Related Business.

Obviously, people don't read our solicitor information articles just to hear the good points. So what are the down sides of Nesbits Law? First, their website is not currently mobile friendly. That's not unusual for a solicitor, but when a firm claims to "utilise the best technology" in their work - the fact their website doesn't display well on the devices most people use when searching for a law firm to call, becomes noticeable. Also, on every browser we used, the main page would never finish loading. Our best guess is that the embedded Twitter feed was jamming things up. Lastly, as we mentioned before, they put a lot of effort into assuaging the common fears of clients with their promotional wording. However it does get mixed up in places as a result. For example, stating that they are "one of the UK’s fastest-growing law firms" followed by "we have built our business gradually" only a couple of paragraphs later.

Is that it? Well, yes. Having scoured the web and the firm's own sites and feeds - those are the niggles. If you take a look yourself, you'll probably end up with the same impression as us. The Nesbit Law firm is clearly passionate about the cases they have decided to focus on. Especially the fraud cases where there is plenty of coverage regarding their work, as well as endorsements and comments from peers who have appreciated their help - not just individually, but for the claims industry as a whole.

One final point on navigation because of the web address. The official site we've linked to above is www.nesbitlawgroup.co.uk which you should probably bookmark, because even though www.nesbitlawgroup.com will redirect you to the correct place - www.nesbitlaw.co.uk and www.nesbitlaw.com will not.

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Nesbit Law Group LLP it's best to visit the website (www.nesbitlawgroup.co.uk), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

Nesbit Law Firm

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