Jarmans Solicitors Ltd: Info
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Jarmans Solicitors Ltd in Sittingbourne, Kent & Chancery Lane, London: Review
There are many things people can use to gauge whether a law firm stands out from the rest. They may have a decent website, plenty of available information, staff profiles, details of charity work, testimonials, third party reviews, and so on. If a firm has only a couple of these, it might feel as though you don't know enough to decide.
Jarmans Solicitors have everything we usually reference when detailing our review of a firm. Even so far as responding to reviews on third party site. What does that mean? Well, at the very least they are modern enough to understand the internet (you'd be surprised how many law firms still haven't caught up). It could also mean they've researched what's possible and organised the most sought after information so people can view it. Either way, it reflects well on their general setup.
This is a more complex declaration compared to most we've read. However at least it's cliche-free. If you've been searching for a firm for a while now, you may have noticed the number of practically mirror-image websites all stating how that firm is 'modern yet traditional', 'friendly yet professional', 'thorough yet swift', etc. It's almost as if they've all hired the same content writer. Jarmans do push forward one common sales pitch argument though, regarding the law firm's perceived age:
We regularly see firms quoting 50, 100 or even 200+ years' experience. Some have quite credible credentials to support their claims, and others state incredibly tenuous historical links involving someone's brother's sister's uncle's dog who once lived next to the office. We would hope that most people will already realise that the age of a law firm's building, brand name or even staff is really neither here nor there. A 100 year old firm may assign you a 1 year qualified solicitor. A 1 year old law firm might have a 30 year veteran on their team. When a new solicitor joins a law firm, there isn't some strange spiritualist ceremony where all the experience and expertise of the last solicitor is transferred to them.
The actual, current staff of the firm are the most crucial thing in our opinion. That's why we always recommend having a look at The Law Society's page for any firm. For Jarmans Solicitors Ltd there are 8 solicitors listed with qualification dates ranging from 1978 to 2005. A pretty good mix of experience and fresh minds.
Just as a couple of examples: a founding member of the firm, Barry Bond, heads the commercial and employment departments with over 40 years under his belt resulting in cases covering Europe, the USA, South America, Hong Kong, Japan and New Zealand. Jay Sahota, a senior partner, worked in a City law firm before moving to Jarmans Solicitors handling litigation matters up to £3.5billion. Along side them are newer people such as Xanthe Harris who only joined the firm in 2018 after qualifying not long before.
So what are people saying about the firm so far? Naturally they've posted their own hand-picked testimonials on their website. Unfortunately most solicitors are fond of vague and adjective-filled praise devoid of any useful information. This typically results in no-one bothering to read through them. Whilst phrases such as "totally recommend", "great firm", and "exceeded expectations" are all things solicitors want to hear about themselves - none of them help a potential client understand why. However, most of the testimonials Jarmans have displayed are quite in-depth:
• "Any time i needed advice ... it was dealt with speedily, on the same day in most cases."
• "I was to the point of losing a sale on my property and within a week has put me in the best position possible ..."
• "... installed confidence in me from the very first meeting and had a new approach"
• "I would like to commend you Duane on first impressions ..."
• "... i was made to feel at ease with Gordon Johnson"
• "I highly recommend Jay Sahota and his team ..."
We also personally put more faith in reviewers who have left dozens of reviews on many different firms versus usernames that have only ever placed that one review - either 5 star or 1 star. But yes, overall the positive feedback about Jarmans lawyers continues on third party sites leading on from their own testimonials:
• "... we have worked with Barry and he was great considering the lack of time we had to turn the job around ..."
• "Very helpful with a recent commercial building purchase. Jarmans even ended up saving me more money through good advice ..."
Most of the 'new' law firms opening up post-24/7-mobile-phone-and-internet tend to offer out of hours/weekend appointments as well as home/hospital visits where needed. Not to mention Skype/Facetime consultations where physical appointments are not possible. So we'd like to see a bit more flexibility, even if it just becomes normal for all law firms to do one late night every second Thursday. That's a general complaint across the industry as a whole though, not something we think only Jarmans could possibly look at.
A quick note on navigation as the double 's' in www.jarmanssolicitors.co.uk could pose the possibility of errors. We checked several variants such as www.jarmansolicitors.co.uk and those with hyphens, as well as other TLDs including www.jarmansolicitors.com and www.jarmanssolicitors.com - but none of them seemed to be owned by the firm. No website came up for most we tried either. As the firm handles conveyancing and this has been a target for scammers (search "house purchase bank detail fraud" to read news and articles on the issue) we would therefore recommend bookmarking the site once you're on it just to be sure. Obviously never discuss payment matters via email, and we'll have a last word from the firm:
General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Jarmans Solicitors Ltd it's best to visit the website (www.jarmanssolicitors.co.uk), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

This Jarmans Solicitors Ltd article is rated
4.4 / 5 based on 10 reviews. †
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The same is true for Immigration matters ...
» GloverPriest Solicitors - A 200-year old firm might still stick you with a 1-year qualified solicitor to run your case ...
» Ventura Law Ltd - The belief being that firms which focus solely on one particular area of law can handle such cases better than general practice firms which state much wider case range coverage ...
» Pointon & Co Solicitors - So much so that we're concerned people might think we've been paid or co-erced ...
» Alexander JLO Solicitors - Great job ...
» Redwood Collections Ltd - Some are set up to send threatening letters and do some doorstep visits ...
» Lawcomm Solicitors - So one day a mistype domain such as www ...
» Hampson Hughes Solicitors - If you look up the a href="https ...
» AWH Solicitors - For example ...
» Avery Walters Solicitors - Certainly there is no 200+ year old solicitor working behind any of the desks ...
» 5 Essex Court - But on the whole ...
» Serious Law LLP - We've just spent a whole month trying to get a negative review removed under our name ...
» Kudos Legal Ltd - The only issue when looking such things up is that there doesn't seem to be a clear separation between their Preston and Glasgow offices ...
» Frank Rogers Law Ltd - This should be stated clearly on their website ...

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