Qdos Legal Services Ltd: Info
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Qdos Legal Services Ltd Solicitors Consulting in Thurmaston, Leicester: Review
Qdos is based in Thurmaston (near Leicester) providing legal services to businesses, contractors, landlords and individuals to help with issues such as commercial agreements, repossession of residential properties, employment disputes, and more.
Their stated aim is to provide "proactive advice and practical solutions". This certainly fits with their case range. Such as their service to develop and critique contracts to try and prevent possible legal issues in the future whilst making legal obligations and limits clear between both businesses and consumers. A mouthful? Well, whether those contracts deal with employees, customers, suppliers, terms & conditions, or regular residential tenancy agreements - the right language and a bespoke contract is often key. Copy/pasting from the internet is regularly tried, but rarely a good idea.
As a business ourselves, one key feature that stood out was that their website provides an online store where contractors, landlords, businesses or individuals are able to buy a range of products and services such as standard legal documents, legal document drafting services, and so on.
Whilst businesses can approach them for contract reviews/drafting, debt, employment, and property matters - contractors can also benefit from similar services plus helping with contract disputes, debt recovery, restrictive covenants and so on. Landlords can expect experienced solicitors to deal with eviction of tenants, recovery of rent arrears, disputes, deposit protection, contract help and more. Qdos themselves have a range of businesses helping with various facets of running one. That can't help but give them a unique insight into client needs that a regular law firm might not have.
Qdos state they have relationships with some of the UK's largest insurers and affinity groups. That means a large proportion of their caseload comes from claims made against commercial, landlord and household legal expenses insurance policies. Naturally, they believe that this experience working within the insurance industry, (particularly with legal expenses insurers), has given them an edge when it comes to understanding the insurers' key interests - i.e. the "good service vs costs" balance. Beyond that, Qdos even provide advice lines, claims handling services (via their Qdos Broker & Underwriting Services department), consultancy services, HR Services, health & safety services, as well as taxation and VAT advice.
Whilst each of those setups will have their own story, the Qdos Legal Services Ltd part was established in 2014, after changing the name from Qdos Consulting Ltd. It is part of the larger Qdos Group - a group of companies that provide insurance, consultancy and legal services to insurers, affinity groups, SMEs, contractors, landlords and individuals across the UK. When the SRA starting allowing the formation of Alternative Business Structures (ABS) Qdos were able to expand and recruit experienced solicitors with expertise in commercial, contractual, debt, employment, property and residential matters including landlord and tenant disputes.
Whilst there was no particular testimonial page on the site when we looked, we did spot some snippets randomly popping up on various pages such as:
"Friendly, reassuring, professional and gave me good advice and options throughout the claim. I always felt when I called that my call was important."
Yes, it sounds like the typical testimonial you see on legal service websites. But even though we've regularly written about our dislike for the standard testimonial template - it's not something to hold against any particular firm. It did mean we had to go digging a bit further to get a better picture. Interestingly, after scouring the web it wasn't so much the consumer praise that impressed us - but the fact that QDOS seem to be very much liked by insurers. You may be tempted to take this the wrong way, but remember that as Qdos state a lot of their work comes from claims made through insurance policies for help with legal matters - a good resolution surely means both the insurer and the original client should be happy?
On that point, please remember that Qdos represents a lot of businesses. When we were searching the web, we saw some negative reviews by individuals Qdos had beaten in court. These are obviously valid reviews, although from the perspective of someone that just lost. Just bear that in mind when flicking through.
Now, usually our website advice section for law firms is short and easy. For Qdos, it is not. There is an absolute plethora of sites out there under the QDOS brand. The one we link to - www.qdoslegal.com - doesn't have a variant at www.qdoslegal.co.uk though. But sites such as www.qdosconsulting.com, www.qdoscontractor.com, www.qdoshr.com and www.qdospartnerships.com with specialist information and products for businesses do exist. There is even www.qdosunderwriting.com, www.qdosvantage.com, www.qdostax.com, and www.qdosaccounting.com available, again targeting specific types of client they are looking to service. But then it goes beyond that with www.qdosgap.co.uk which strays from the .com nature of most of their sites. Not all the separate sites have a .co.uk variant and with some services not being mentioned or linked to from others - we would suggest bookmarking the main one we have linked to once you are on it to avoid issues when trying to type-in or search for it later.
General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Qdos Legal Services Ltd it's best to visit the website (www.qdoslegal.com), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.
This Qdos Legal Services Ltd article is rated
4.3 / 5 based on 13 reviews. †
(Voting has been paused for this page.)
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