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BES Legal Ltd: Info

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BES Legal Ltd

BES Legal Ltd -

BES Legal Ltd promise fast, responsive, commercially viable advice on all types of conveyancing matters including Residential Sales/Purchases, Re-mortgaging, Shared Ownership, Commercial Conveyancing, Help to Buy, Equity Release, Buy-to-Let and more. Founded in 1925 they have local offices in Coventry, Elstree, Great Barr, Walsall and Shoreham-By-Sea.

Office Address: 720 Centennial Court, Centennial Park, Elstree, , Greater London, WD6 3SY
Web Address: Link unavailable. Click to see local map of alternatives >>
Email Address: dhanisha.desai@beslegal.co.uk
Phone Number: 020 8037 9847

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BES Legal Ltd Solicitors in Coventry, Elstree, Great Barr (Birmingham), Sussex & Walsall: Review

To avoid these reviews turning into more of a Wikipedia-type resource, we tend to skip details that are purely for the sake of information. For example, the B.E.S. of this firm's name stands for the name of the founder - Bate Edmunds Snape. Whilst that is most definitely information about the company, it doesn't provide you with anything to help you decide on using them over another firm. With that being the reason most people search for reviews, we do our best to find you those types of details.

But whilst the founder's name may be irrelevant to you as a potential client, the fact he founded the firm in 1925 might be. Certainly we see a lot of firms quoting hefty histories stretching into the 200+ year mark. Unfortunately when a lot of companies do something, consumers tend to get the impression that information is relevant. It does sound plausible that a 50+ year old firm has more experience than a 5-year old firm. However you could get a 5-year qualified solicitor at a 50 year old firm, or a 50-year experienced solicitor working at a 5-year old firm. The age of the firm's name doesn't effect the solicitor's personal experience in the slightest.

We always recommend using The Law Society website rather than Companies House or 'established in' dates to quantify a firm's experience. If you go to the page for BES Legal you'll see a great mix of fresh faces and seasoned solicitors. Some of their staff qualified just recently whilst a few have been practising law since the 70s. That's a big plus mark to be starting with.

BES Legal Ltd

"BES Legal Ltd is an approachable law firm that will take time to talk things through and understand your needs ... We approach our clients' needs with a pragmatic, friendly and sensitive nature."

Absolutely every law firm website you'll visit today will have sentences about how friendly they are. For many sites you could practically copy and paste text from one to the other. So what parts about the BES Legal site are different?

"Since 2018, BES Legal LTD Solicitors has been under new management. The CEO, Paul Harris, alongside 4 directors and department heads are the driving force behind the company."

Whilst this may seem like irrelevant information, we think it's quite a good sign. Clearly the firm had a bright future otherwise no-one would have wanted to take the reigns and push forward. (The company went Limited in the same year.) Typically when a law firm isn't working, solicitors split off to start their own company or they go for a re-brand and hope no-one notices. Also, any new management taking over will be very eager to prove themselves. That can only benefit any new client. Lastly, the firm has grown considerably creating new offices in neighbouring areas. The firm now has offices in Coventry, Elstree, Great Barr (Birmingham), Shoreham-by-Sea (Sussex) and Walsall.

So what are people saying about the firm? Well one thing to keep in mind is that if there was a major shake up of the firm in 2018, then pay more attention to reviews posted since then rather than really old ones. This is true for most companies and is often overlooked. The reverse is also true. Some firms may have several years' worth of 5 star glowing reviews. But if all the reviews of the past six months have been 1 or 2 stars - something's changed.

The firm's own website has the standard testimonials page, and just like 99.9% of law firms it only lists the positive reviews that have been selected to appear on the site. However, unlike other law firms BES Legal have copious amounts of testimonials spread across multiple pages:

• "... I called and had a question they managed to get an answer or get back to me on the same day ..."
• "... handled my case speedily and efficiently responded to my calls and were polite and efficient ..."
• "... went out of their way to sort out the problems on our new property so that we could move ..."
• "... caring and professional throughout, making it stress free for me ..."

They've dated the reviews too which is superb. Again, that may seem a small thing to pinpoint but we've been doing this for over 20 years now. We know many firms have been showing the same 5 testimonials on their site for the past decade. Typically people want to see reviews on independent review forums though. Unfortunately due the personal and often embarrassing nature of many legal issues - not a lot of people go posting reviews about their solicitor on Facebook or Google. Not least because their account details with name and photo are shown alongside it. We did find a few though:

• "Great service, at great value. Needed solicitor services on very short notice, and very honest and genuine."
• "Very professional service and legal advice"
• "Staff are very welcoming and friendly"

There were a few more 4 & 5 star reviews dotted around, however they'd left no text to explain their rating which I think is pretty useless. You wouldn't get away with just saying "5 stars!" in real life. Your friends would look at you odd and start poking you until you explained what you liked or didn't like about that company. We only saw one negative review amongst the regular boards which said they couldn't get through to the firm on the phone. That was all the information they gave though. They didn't even say what time of day or even day of the week they were trying to call.

Please make sure you search for "BES Legal Ltd" and not just "BES Ltd" though as the latter brings up links to reviews about other firms such as BES Utilities. It would be great if review boards had a filter to see reviews of the actual location you might be considering rather than the firm as a whole. Individual reviews for the staff at Coventry, Elstree, Great Barr, Shoreham-by-Sea or Walsall?

"Being a well-established firm the teams at BES Legal LTD Solicitors have local knowledge which is imperative when dealing with areas of law such as commercial conveyancing and residential conveyancing."

Absolutely this is something we believe in as well, which is why we push for people to seek out firms local to them rather than the one on the other side of the country - even if they are offering M&S vouchers just for ringing in with your enquiry. (No really, we've seen some firms offering 'free iPads!' in exchange for filing a personal injury claim with them.)

As with the advice above for searching the correct firm, we did a quick check on website navigability. The official site is beslegal.co.uk without the www part which we link to above, but www.beslegal.co.uk will redirect you there no problem. www.beslegal.com however seems to be owned by someone else. Obviously with common words such as 'legal' in the name many people can get mixed up and accidentally type in things such as .beslaw or .bessolicitors, and considering we're dealing with property matters - we would therefore recommend bookmarking the site once you're on it just to be safe. There are hundreds of news articles about people who have not noticed little changes in the domain name of a website or email address and ended up being scammed. Just remember that if you get an email from your solicitor saying "Hey there friend, we've suddenly changed our bank details to XYZ so pleasing you to make payment to that now. Thanks and everything." - then maybe dial the phone number on your actual headed letter and ask for confirmation.

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with BES Legal Ltd it's best to visit the website (www.beslegal.co.uk), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

BES Legal Solicitors Limited

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4.1 / 5 based on 19 reviews. †
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