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Simons Rodkin Solicitors LLP: Info

Simons Rodkin Solicitors LLP Barnet

Simons Rodkin Solicitors LLP - Barnet

Simons Rodkin Solicitors LLP are an approachable law firm handling a range of legal matters for both private individuals and businesses. They can help with residential or commercial property, employment issues, immigration, wills, trusts and family law matters. They offer high-quality services at competitive prices with flexible payment options. They operate nationwide with offices in Finchley, Bloomsbury, and Hatfield.

Office Address: 212 Regents Park Rd, Finchley, Barnet, Greater London, N3 3HP
Web Address: https://www.sr-law.co.uk
Email Address: enquiries@sr-law.co.uk
Phone Number: 020 8446 6223
Simons Rodkin Solicitors LLP Hatfield

Simons Rodkin Solicitors LLP - Hatfield

Simons Rodkin Solicitors LLP are an approachable law firm handling a range of matters for both individuals and businesses. They can help with litigation, property, family law, employment issues, immigration, wills, bankruptcy and more. They promise high-quality services at competitive prices. Flexible payment options available with local offices in Finchley, Bloomsbury, and Hatfield.

Office Address: 82 Great North Rd, Hatfield, England, AL9 5BL
Web Address: https://www.sr-law.co.uk
Email Address: enquiries@sr-law.co.uk
Phone Number: 01707 830244

SR Law Solicitors London on YouTube

Simons Rodkin Solicitors LLP in London, Finchley & Hatfield: Review

At 1to1Legal we're very picky about the firms we review, bring on to our network, and then recommend to people. In somewhere like London there are is a simply overwhelming number of firms to choose from. General practice solicitors, niche local firms, nationwide multi-office firms, direct access barristers, and specialists only handling a single case type. How do you know which is best for you? How do you even know what to research in the first place?

Obviously it's not possible for us to come up with a hundred or so legal issues each year to actually test each firm's services as a consumer. However we've been writing articles on law firms for over 20+ years now. So what we can help with is advice on some ways you can check up on a firm to see if they meet with what you're looking for. Simons Rodkin Solicitors clearly are a firm we recommend. But why?

"We are known for our strength in litigation work, and the majority of our laywers are dispute resolution practitioners. However, we also have experienced consultants in other areas of law."

Simons Rodkin Solicitors LLP

Most firms will have some sales-pitch statement like this on their website about how great their lawyers are. Thankfully, if the firm you're interested in is based within England or Wales they are most likely registered with the national Law Society. The Law Society of England & Wales has a very helpful website, much more so than it's counterparts in other areas of the UK from what we've seen.

If you check out the page for this firm for example, you'll be shown a wealth of information including alternative contact details, lists of all their offices, names of staff members, as well as their case specialities and qualification dates. This is important because some firms will use less-than-transparent (to put it mildly) wording to describe their experience when trying to sell you their services on their website.

Simons Rodkin Solicitors don't need to engage in any such shady wording. You'll see on the Law Society's staff page about them that they have a huge range of experience levels. Julian Cohen and Mark Feldmann for example qualified back in 1975 and 1970 respectively. In fact, they seem to have a solicitor from every decade on board with Simon Aaron qualifying in 1997 right up to Munira Abib joining the legal industry in 2019. This mix of seasoned, tempered experience alongside fresh, eager new ideas can only be a good thing. Has it transferred into happy clients?

"It was a very difficult time for me and I felt that they fought tooth and nail"

"warmest thanks to Simon Aaron who got me through a successful mediation"

"took great care listening to my information and putting together a strong case"

These snippets are taken from the company's own testimonial page. Naturally, the ones listed there are all incredibly positive and lengthy in their praise. But as our poll from a couple of years ago indicated - many of you don't trust company testimonials. So what about the public boards?

"He advocated robustly on my behalf and did so with compassion and realism."

"They were extremely professional, efficient and understood the time constraints I was under with my work commitments."

"I'd been searching for legal advice for a few days and getting more stressed at not finding answers, then David picked up the phone and after counselling me about my situation, he forwarded me to a specialist."

Scouring through the most popular third party independent review forums such as Google, Trustpilot, Yell.com, Yelp, etc. the story is the same as you can see from the few snippets above. All glowing commendations for the firm with individual staff often being mentioned by name.

There are some things to read between the lines that are also very telling. That last snippet for example indicates that whoever took the reviewer's call must have listened properly and for some time. Not only that, when it turned out the staff member couldn't actually help with the problem - they gave some helpful advice and passed them on to someone that might be able to deal with the matter rather than just saying 'sorry, can't help you'.

This idea that the firm isn't consumed by fees and time-monitoring is also reflected in their website where you'll find a genuine help article section. Whilst many firms will use the Blog/News/Article section to just write extra sales pitches thinly disguised as help - Simons Rodkin have put together some really in-depth help pieces that can give you a decent head start in understanding your case and what's needed.

"Our fees are reasonable and competitive ... We will consider fixed fees and for legal dispute work No Win No Fee (or partial no win no fee) arrangements in appropriate situations."

Thankfully it's becoming increasingly common for firms to be more open about their fees up front. Simons Rodkin have a whole page dedicated to discussing how their fees work with examples and finer details regarding each case type they handle. You'll find there are plenty of firms who state they have transparent fees, but not many that actually list examples on their site.

A quick note on navigation. The firm's official website that we've linked to above is www.sr-law.co.uk with www.sr-law.com being owned by a different company. We also saw that neither www.srlaw.co.uk or the .com redirected you to the correct site. The address could also lead to some of the usual typos we see with hyphenated URls or those that don't use the firm's name in them - e.g. the domains www.simonsrodkin.co.uk and the dot com versions were not owned by anyone. We've also seen variants such as 'simon rodkins' and 'simon rodkin' popping up in our search box as well as 'sr law london' which we noted brought up three different firms when used on Google.

The website is https secure so no concerns about entering your personal details into the contact forms. But as they deal in property matters, we would absolutely recommend bookmarking the website to make sure you come back to the correct one in the future. Sadly the number of people falling for bank deposit scams when buying/selling a property is only on the rise. Always be aware that a law firm should never ask you about bank details in an email if you get one.

"Your problems are our business. Your instruct, we act."

Hopefully this article has helped you with a few hints about researching firms generally and maybe even got across why we added Simons Rodkin to our network in the first place. If you come across any good sources that might help people when trying to decide which firm to use - let us know.

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Simons Rodkin Solicitors LLP it's best to visit the website (www.sr-law.co.uk), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

SR Law Solicitors London

This Simons Rodkin Solicitors LLP article is rated
4.8 / 5 based on 26 reviews. †
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