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NV Legal Ltd

NV Legal Ltd -

NV Legal have over 25 years' experience in personal injury and professional negligence matters. Your case will only be handled by a qualified solicitor with the time and expertise necessary to deliver the best outcome possible. They work on a no win, no fee basis and promise a professional, friendly service.

Office Address: PO Box 2469, , England, WD18 1XN
Web Address: Link unavailable. Click to see local map of alternatives >>
Email Address: info@nvlegal.co.uk
Phone Number: 03330 112732

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NV Legal Ltd Personal Injury Solicitors in Watford: Review

Considering the wide range of case types within the title of 'Personal Injury', it can be hard to think of firms that deal with such matters as 'specialists'. Usually people expect the term specialist to apply to firms that deal with more niche titles such as Wills or Motor Offenses.

When a firm states it is a Personal Injury specialist it will usually then follow it up with a long list of case types covered including Professional Negligence, Slips/Trips, Road Accidents, Work Injuries, Industrial Disease, Medical Negligence, Unfair Dismissal - the list is quite extensive. But these are all under the same umbrella term of 'Litigation'. In other words, someone has been injured or financially impacted by the actions of a third party. The law firm then pursues the third party, or more often their insurer, for compensation.

As all these extra case titles follow that format. It absolutely is possible for a firm to be a specialist in this area in the same way a Family Law specialist will be expert in both Divorce and Child Support matters.

NV Legal Ltd

"With more than 20 years' experience, our solicitors are all personal injury experts with extensive experience."

Other important wording to watch for on any law firm's website are statements such as the above. It's quite common for firms to use marketing jargon to obscure their real experience levels. For example, a firm with five solicitors each with only two years of experience under their belts might state 'we have over a decade of combined experience'. So how can you check the real background of a legal practice?

Most legal professionals will be signed up to a Law Society in their area. NV Legal are with The Law Society of England & Wales which actually has one of the best society websites we've seen. The information they provide just regular users is quite extensive in comparison including alternative trading names used by a firm, extra contact details, and often the expertise and experience of every solicitor within the practice.

If you check the page for this firm you'll see their two main solicitors, Nicholas Davis and Victoria Davis, qualified as solicitors in 2000 and 1999 respectively. So yes, NV Legal's claim of 20+ years' experience is certainly an honest one with each individual solicitor having that level themselves.

"Your claim will only be handled by a qualified solicitor from day one ... Your claim will NOT [sic] be handled by a non-qualified, unskilled person or paralegal ..."

This is another statement to keep an eye out for and something which often pops up in negative reviews of firms. Whilst it can be common for senior solicitors to have their more junior staff do large chunks of the grunt work - that is something you probably will never know about. However, communication between client and the legal practice they've chosen is hugely important. We've seen plenty of people complain about firms where you don't even get to speak to your solicitor directly. You can end up having someone's secretary as your only point of contact.

So reading both the lines themselves and the stuff inbetween, you can be pretty confident that such would not be the case with NV Legal. You'll deal directly with your solicitor and they will be handling all aspects of your case. That can only have positive implications for the final outcome of your case.

"From the onset of my claim I received updates and advice."

"The level of service was excellent."

"Not only did they pursue her claim but they also looked after her welfare making appointments with various therapists and consultants to support her recovery and options for the future."

On the subject of reviews, these are a few snippets from the public boards. There are quite a few independent forums such as Google, Trustpilot, Yelp, Yell.com and so on which can often provide far more insight into how a firm treats it's clients than the testimonials each might strategically place on their own website.

Certainly that last comment is very impressive. Something we've been trying to encourage firms to focus more on is the concept of rehabilitation rather than the 'money fixes everything' attitude you can sometimes see. Last year we worked heavily with rehabilitation specialists trying to get more law firms to consult with such experts on a more regular basis. The fact NV Legal is already doing this is a great indicator of a firm with both the mindset and resources we agree with. Hence, why we have already included them on our network.

"100% no win, no-fee"

This statement on the firm's website could use some clarification. There are two frequently used catchphrases when it comes to Personal Injury matters. 'No win, no fee' and '100% compensation'. These do not mean the same thing. The first simply means that if your case loses, there will be no fees. However if your case wins the law firm may take a commission/success fee of up to 25% of your compensation. To ensure there are no fees at all whether you win or lose, a firm has to promise you both of these 'No win, no fee' and '100% compensation' statements.

Please note though, that a firm which takes 25% of your compensation if you win does not always mean you will end up with less. For example a highly experienced firm that gets you £4000 for your injury but takes a 25% cut, is still a better result than a less competent firm which gets you £2000 and takes nothing from it. A very basic example, but hopefully illustrates that whether a firm offers 100% compensation or not should not be a dealbreaker.

The NV Legal website has wide range of help articles on it's site including examples of previous cases which can be interesting with some of them detailing how even though a case may seem to have a low chance of success - it can still be made viable. There are also Blog/News style articles with a varying range of information such as 'Mental Capacity – Whose decision?'.

"If you have been involved in an accident or sustained an injury, we can help secure the compensation, rehabilitation and support you deserve."

A quick note on navigation. The official website we link to above is www.nvlegal.co.uk with www.nvlegal.com currently being owned by someone else. As the branding efforts by the firm are clear and consistent, there shouldn't be many obvious alternatives or common errors cropping up such as 'nvlaw' or 'nvsolicitors'. The website is https secure for entering your details on the contact form. Also, there aren't many scams targeting personal injury claimants at the moment. They're mostly aimed at property matters. But you never know what's going to happen next so always be aware of where your communications are coming from and that no law firm should ask you to submit bank details via email.

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with NV Legal Ltd it's best to visit the website (www.nvlegal.co.uk), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

NV Legal Solicitors

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» McEwan Fraser Legal - If anyone emails or phones you about payments or bank details - do not respond ...
» MGBe Legal - Always be aware of what site you're on though and never discuss payments via email /b or if someone calls you up ...
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» Levins Solicitors - The idea is obviously that people will trust the experience of a 150 year established firm versus a 1 year old firm ...
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» Howe + Co Solicitors - Let alone the actual people trying to get in ...
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