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ACS Accident Claims Scotland: Info

ACS Accident Claims Scotland Paisley

ACS Accident Claims Scotland - Paisley

ACS say they are Scotland's leading Accident firm. No win, no fee personal injury and vehicle damage claims. They can arrange repairs to your motor vehicle and provide a like for like replacement vehicle while yours is off the road. For out of hours service, call 07766 951759.

Office Address: 21 Forbes Place, Paisley, Scotland, PA1 1UT
Web Address: https://www.accidentclaimsscotland.co.uk
Email Address: accidentace@gmail.com
Phone Number: 0141 849 2077

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ACS Accident Claims Scotland - Road Traffic & Workplace Personal Injury Solicitors: Review

This was an unusual one for us. For almost a decade now, we've only ever allowed actual law firms on our panel for people to search for. However, before the 1to1Legal brand came into being, we ran a similar but different service referring people to solicitors.

Today, all of us here at 1to1 sit behind a desk trying to get people direct to a law firm for the initial contact. But from 1999 to 2007, it was not uncommon for some of us to be face down on a wet pavement taking photographs of potholes and interviewing clients. We would investigate any accident, sort out ATE insurance (legal cost coverage), and various other things we thought were necessary before passing someone on. The guy behind ACS, was one of the people that worked with us on that old system.

"Experts in personal injury claims - no win no fee"

That's a quote from the Accident Claims Scotland website. In Scotland there is often some confusion about "no win, no fee" and "100% compensation". No win, no fee means no fees if the case loses. But there are sometimes fees if the case wins. This should be made clear to you from the outset though once the details of your case are known.

ACS Accident Claims Scotland

"Our solicitors only handle accident claims. It is a specialised area and too important to trust to your local 'jack of all trades' who may have helped with your divorce or your last house purchase."

It's a fair point to make about specialists. Certainly whenever someone gets a speeding ticket they don't look up for a general law practice. People immediately search for that lawyer who deals with speeding tickets day in and day out. For many other case types such as wills, divorce or injuries though people don't seem to have such motiviation.

The main case types they cover include Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs), Accidents At Work (Employer Liability), Work Related Disease (aka Industrial Disease), Public Liability, and Criminal Assault (CICA). If you're not sure which category you fit into, call to see if they cover your particular injury.

Their website is concise. You won't find hundreds of pages about everything and anything. There is a core group of case description pages and answer pages such as the FAQs page which covers things such as "Do I need any money to claim through ACS?" or "How long do I have to make a claim?" or "How long will it take?"

"ACS Accident Claims Scotland are here to ensure that victims on non-fault accidents receive expert help and advice and get the compensation they deserve"

A note on navigation. As with most firms that have names using general terms (i.e. 'accident', 'claims', and 'scotland') Google might mess you about when searching for them. There are several law firms that have pages with the title accident claims in scotland. The correct web address is www.accidentclaimsscotland.co.uk, but www.accidentclaimsscotland.com shows exactly the same website. www.acs.co.uk and www.acs.com are two totally different IT companies. www.accidentclaimscotland.co.uk and www.accidentclaimscotland.com (minus the extra "s") currently show absolutely nothing. So it might be an idea to bookmark the correct site once you know you are on it for safety's sake.

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with ACS Accident Claims Scotland it's best to visit the website (www.accidentclaimsscotland.co.uk), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

Accident Claims Scotland

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» www.morgancarter.co.uk - That's also why we like to keep a few specialists on board rather than them all being general practice firms ...
» www.dsluk.net - Results are usually provided the same day with all CCJ ...
» www.ashworthmotoringlaw.co.uk - as Ashworth's put it "being charged with a motoring offence can feel like a living nightmare" /i ...
» www.taylorbracewell.co.uk - they offer to advise you on property ...
» www.bromets.com - Commercial & Corporate clients can rely on their specialist knowledge of the property markets and the complexities involved in development ...
» www.thompsons-scotland.co.uk - Many clients don't even get the basic counselling they need after a traumatic injury ...
» www.lawlincs.co.uk - He was a renown figure in the community and Scunthorpe United vice-chairman ...
» www.ktpsolicitors.com - These are drop in centres set up in various areas on various days of the week ...
» www.qdoslegal.com - That can't help but give them a unique insight into client needs that a regular law firm might not have ...
» www.bmd-law.uk - But 1to1Legal are always after something different or something new ...
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