BLZ Solicitors: Info
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BLZ Solicitors NIHL, PPI & Immigration Lawyers in Stockport: Review
We like to make sure we have a selection of types of help here on the 1to1Legal site. That's why we have general practice firms along side specialists - as well as alternate solutions such as mediation companies. BLZ Solicitors is one of the specialist firms we've added and we like to think our choice is a sound one. Here's a few of the things we noticed and hopefully some things you might be able to use as a bar to measure between others in the field.
Over the past decade at least, pretty much every firm has added some variation of 'we are modern' to their sales language. So unfortunately, this phrase has become quite meaningless in relation to indicating what the firm does differently. Whilst most of us may assume it's a sign the firm has an online client area to check up on your case 24/7 - it could simply mean that the solicitors know how email works.
This, however, is a far more telling sentence from the BLZ Solicitors' website. These four case types are not exactly the easiest or the best paying in relation to lawyer earnings elsewhere. So to specialise in them most likely means they have a specialist knowledge they want to use or that they have a personal relationship with the process. For example, many immigration solicitors are in fact immgrants themselves or saw the struggles of family/friends trying to come over to the UK.
One thing we have frequently quoted as a dislike on law firm's websites is the new wave of them sharing likes, dislikes, hobbies and favourite colours. No really, that last one actually happens more than we ever thought possible. On the BLZ staff page it initially looks as though they are doing the same. But on scrolling through the personal background information it quickly turns out to actually be quite relevant. One solicitor has experience with the immigration process whilst the other originally worked for the 'enemy' - i.e. defending NIHL companies from claimants.
A switch of sides from a solicitor is not something to be taken lightly and should really mark as a big plus when comparing services.
Clients always want this sort of attention from any firm, but statements such as these can also indicate that the firm is a small one. If you want to check up on the size of a firm (if size matters to you) The Law Society website in your area will typically be able to provide that information. If you look at the page for this firm you'll see there are only two solicitors working within it, with just over a decade's experience between them.
This is where the balancing act in your brain can get a little wobbly. If you've seen a firm with dozens of solicitors, some with over twenty years experience, across a wide range of case types - will they handle your case (and you personally) with better care than a smaller, newer firm? Is enthusiam for you and your case more important than extensive experience? Will you get lost in the numbers at a larger firm or benefit from their larger resources?
It's can be a bit of a gamble when choosing between the options, but despite this we've found that most people go for enthusiam when they've spoken to lawyers over the phone. If someone seems genuinely interested in your case it seems to really, really count.
We absolutely do our best to find firms that provide free initial consultations. You would think that these days with phone, email, and video chat - especially since the COVID pandemic - that any law firm could spare even just 15 minutes to discuss your case to see if it is something worth pursuing. That's not the case though and there are hundreds of firms out there that still charge full rates just to meet with them. So never underestimate the value of free consultation statements on a solicitor's site. One tip though is to make sure the free consultation is with a qualified professional. Not their secretary or junior staff who joined the firm yesterday.
A quick note on navigation. The firm's branding is BLZ Solicitors and they come up for searches for that name no problem. BLZ Ltd is the same firm, it's just their official Limited registered name. is the official site we link to above and currently doesn't seem to be owned by anyone.
That's something to watch for especially with property matters as scammers contact clients telling them deposits need to be made to different bank accounts. Usually this does not affect compensation claims. But you never know what they'll think of next. Their site is https secure though so entering your information on the contact form should be fine. A last sales-pitchy statement from the firm's site:
Don't be too hard on firms when you see the exact same language used over and over across all of their marketing materials. You have to remember that your solicitor and their staff should be spending their time reading up on the newest matters in their field of expertise. Not spending hours re-writing their website content. So if they take a few shortcuts in the marketing department - that's perfectly fine. In our opinion you shouldn't count repetitive wording or stock images on a site against any of them.
General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with BLZ Solicitors it's best to visit the website (, check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.
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Other Law Firms with Reviews like BLZ Solicitors:
» - Ensuring the advice you get is from a qualified and experienced professional is important too ...
» - So that makes it less helpful in distinguishing between firms when you're weighing up the pros and cons ...
» - That brings us back to the tie-breaker we mentioned before and why we always recommend calling the firm to speak to someone ...
» -
It's also far more common to get misleading reviews about solicitors because a lot of times any case will have a winner ...
» - Don't ever discuss payments or bank details via email is therefore one good rule to keep to ...
» - You could get a 1-year qualified solicitor from a 200 year old company and a 40-year experienced expert working at a 1-year old law firm ...
» - Something you'd want in any company really ...
» - Just a href="https ...
» - We try to provide a range of possible solutions to point people in the right direction ...
» - So ...
» - You could also get a 40-year-experienced solicitor from a 1-year-old firm ...
» - Kamlesh Ratilal Samji ...
» - There were a couple of negative ratings ...
» - Be aware however that legal service providers are not treated the same way /b as other industries ... | | | | | | | |
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