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Fair Result Ltd: Info

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Fair Result

Fair Result -

"Divorce Solutions Made Fair". Fair Result Ltd are Divorce Negotiation specialists with over 70 years' combined experience in commercial negotiation, finance and law. They were established as a better alternative to the current expensive and drawn out divorce system. They aim to deliver fair financial settlements to all parties and can perform an initial Marital Pot assessment at no cost to you.

Office Address: 4 Grove Close, Packington, , England, LE65 1SR
Web Address: Link unavailable. Click to see local map of alternatives >>
Email Address: chris@fair-result.co.uk
Phone Number: 07500 933 818

Fair Result Divorce on YouTube

Fair Result Ltd Divorce Settlement Mediation Services in Leicester: Review

We try to provide information, reviews, and comparisons across not just a range of solicitors - but across a range of alternative options too. This includes direct access barristers, non-legal solutions, and mediation service providers. Not every legal matter requires a full-on solicitor. Not every case requires a lengthy court process.

Enquiring about and researching what avenues are available should be anyone's first point of call before actually starting to weigh up which firm out of those options to use. Often an accountant can assist in resolving a tax dispute. Sometimes a barrister without the solicitor middle-man can save considerable time and money in a motor offence case.

"With an accumulation of over 70 years experience in commercial negotiation finance and law, we have totally unique offering."

Fair Result Ltd

There are two not-exactly-small claims in that snippet from the opening section of the Fair Result Ltd website. We did ask around our own office if anyone might want to get a divorce in order to test out this firm's claims. However no-one seemed willing ... yet. Typically we haven't used any of the services of the firms we write articles on. We simply try to offer a sort of business insider view.

Having worked in the legal industry for well over two decades now we've worked with hundreds of law firms and thousands of legal professionals. That means scouring dozens of company websites a day and spending a (possibly obsessive) amount of hours trawling through the various forums and news stories. We also know all the industry specific marketing jargon a lot of lawyers use.

For example many firms claim to be 'one of the leading ...' whatevers in a certain field of expertise or in a certain part of the county. But it's really a meaningless statement. 'One of' - out of how many? A thousand firms? 'Leading' - leading in what? That could be leading in the number of cases lost for all we know. So there is a massive difference between a firm saying they are 'one of the leading firms' versus something actually specific and therefore useful such as 'one of the top five personal injury firms in Wales'.

"We start at the end point. Once you have decided you want a divorce, the application and Decree Nisi itself is relatively easy. The key is agreeing the financial settlement in the form of a consent order, this is where we believe we are unique."

In the same vein, many firms also state they have a 'uniqueness' just like Fair Result have done. Again that sounds like it means something but if that firm's office has a bright pink upward sliding door painted with purple Spongebob characters - that would technically count as them providing a 'unique' experience to people. So is Fair Result's claim just vague sales jargon? Well, no.

As mentioned before, we've been at this for over twenty years and we've not seen a proposition like theirs in the past. A big part of their setup seems to be that they will only work with reasonable people. In other words if you want a fight and to make each other suffer as much as possible on the way out of a marraige - they can't help you. However if both sides simply want to get it over with and find the fairest way out - FairResult believe their services will save you considerable time and money.

"Within 2 weeks of appointment – we will assess the 'Marital Pot' and share the results of our work with you. There will be no cost to you for this work."

As free consultations go this is also quite a unique offer within the arena of Family Law. Most lawyers will give you 15-60 minutes of their time over the phone before starting the billing clock. Typically it's only cases such as litigation where firms may do considerable work upfront with an aim to getting paid near the end of the case instead. FairResult state that if you do decide to go ahead at that point a fixed fee will be agreed upon.

"It reduces the stress and emotion, speeds up the process and above all, it reduces costs."

At this point we started searching around for customer reviews about the firm. Unfortunately Google was being it's usual awkward self because of the generic words used in the company's branding. When we searched for 'fair result', 'fair result divorce' and 'fair result leicester' we got back mostly news stories about random high profile celebrity divorce cases. Even 'fair result ltd' provided only a handful of related sites including their listing at Companies House. That's where we saw that the firm was pretty new.

The legal industry is awash with firms boasting 200+ year old histories. It's one of the few commercial sectors left where they believe an ancient founding date should give them some sort of boost in the minds of potential clients. As if on seeing 'established in 1821' on a law firm's site, the general public will believe a 200 year old solicitor is sat on a throne somewhere in the office imparting sage advice to junior members. In our opinion, the age of a legal brand is unimportant. You could get a 1-year qualified solicitor from a 200 year old company and a 40-year experienced expert working at a 1-year old law firm.

The only issue with being a new firm is the lack of consumer reviews for people to flick through yet. There were some testimonials on the company's own website:

"the whole process was dealt with so smoothly"

"I got the best outcome possible"

"the contrast in their services between my first traditional divorce using lawyers was astounding"

"outstanding service and delivered professionally and it cost me much less than I expected"

Those snippets are clearly very positive. Although according to our poll last year, not even single digit percentages of the public put much faith in company testimonials.

On the plus side though, the people working at the firm have both professional and (according to their About Us page) personal experience of divorce proceedings. On top of that they provide free work up front to show what they can do and then fixed fee agreements. I know our articles are usually very impartial and simply informative, but if you and your ex are reasonable people looking for a cost-effective winding up just like you'd expect from any financial partnership - this does sound like it's worth at least a phone chat to hear more.

A quick note on navigation. The official site we link to above is www.fair-result.co.uk with none of the usual variants such as www.fair-result.com, www.fairresult.co.uk or www.fairresult.com redirecting you there. With the generic words in the brand name and the hyphenation, there are obviously dozens of other possibilities not to mention common typos with double lettered middles such as using 'fairesult'.

At the moment most scams involving law firm clients tend to revolve around property matters such as buying and selling a home. Clients receive emails stating that the bank details for their deposit have changed and they apparently go ahead and send tens of thousands of pounds to those bank accounts without even checking with their solicitor first. It sounds absurd that people are falling for it. But maybe it's a very, very convincing fraudulent email lacking the usual African General hallmarks. But you never know what fraudsters are going to think up next though so just keep aware and never dicuss payments via email

One last excerpt from the firm's site that stood out to us:

"Our workloads are managed to ensure we never have more than six live cases. This gives you our undivided attention."

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Fair Result Ltd it's best to visit the website (www.fair-result.co.uk), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

Fair Result Divorce

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Other Law Firms with Reviews like Fair Result Ltd:

» www.antonyhodari.co.uk - Almost a 'crusade' mentality ...
» www.fultons-scotland.co.uk - Obviously there will be people trying a wide variety of close-but-not-quite attempts such as fultons-solicitors or fultonssolicitors ...
» www.hooperhyde.com - Sadly ...
» www.celsolicitors.co.uk - A quick note on navigation ...
» www.trojansolicitors.com - Agnieszka is listed as an Immigration specialist and has extra accreditation for such matters /b from the Law Society as well ...
» www.krsep.co.uk - The official site which we link to above is www ...
» www.branchaustinmccormick.com - But we've seen several people complain about a solicitor for not handling their particular type of case ...
» www.milnerslaw.com - People naturally write differently in response to these requests from the actual firm compared to how they write comments to their circle of friends ...
» www.michaelleightonjones.com - The majority are positive /b and most related to property matters ...
» www.taylorprice.co.uk - Surely an ideal mix for any legal service provider ...
» www.ulasolicitors.com - all came up with the same site ...
» www.rmsolicitors.com - Depending on the type of case you may also be able to receive 100% of your compensation as well ...
» www.simperlaw.com - Luckily this firm is registered with The Law Society of England & Wales which has the best user-side offering we've seen /b amongst such organisations ...
» www.disrepairclaim.co.uk - As we've already said ...

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