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CFG Law: Info

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CFG Law -

CFG Law, part of the client first group, is a national firm of specialist serious injury solicitors with over 25 years' experience. They have a unique approach to injury claims and can help access funding for early treatment and comprehensive rehabilitation, ensuring the quickest and best possible recovery for their clients. CFG Law is accredited by the Law Society, APIL and are members of Headway's Solicitors Directory for brain injury, Spinal Injuries Association (SIA)'s Solicitors Directory, the Limbless Association, BASIC (Brain and Spinal Injury Centre) and RoadPeace.

Office Address: Oakwater House, 4 Oakwater Avenue, Cheadle Royal Business Park, , England, SK8 3SR
Web Address: Link unavailable. Click to see local map of alternatives >>
Email Address: enquiries@cfglaw.co.uk
Phone Number: 0800 612 8196

CFG Law on YouTube

CFG Law Personal Injury Solicitors in Cheadle, Greater Manchester: Review

We've been recommending CFG Law to people with injury claims for some years now. Typically, unless we see specific terms popping up in our website's internal search function (e.g. people searching for "cfg solicitor reviews") we don't prioritise the creation of any informational or review pieces. To date, everyone seems very impressed with CFG on their own merits and have not requested further opinions from us. So why the decision to write this article anyway?

I don't know if you're a regular visitor, but we've put out a few articles recently about claims funding, early treatment, and psychological care. These were not paid articles created at the behest of firms, but genuine attempts to increase awareness amongst the public and the industry. Whilst taking out what is essentially a 'loan' at the start of your case might sound daunting, it is something we believe is a good idea. Actually, a great idea. As CFG points out on their website:

"Following a serious accident, it may be necessary for you to have adaptations made to your home, or more suitable accommodation may need to be found longer-term. We will help to arrange housing modifications and adaptations or find appropriate alternative accommodation to aid discharge home and ongoing requirements."


Having the funds to take care of yourself properly right from the get-go has absolutely no downsides that we can foresee. CFG are a rarity in even mentioning this level of care, let alone having several pages dedicated to it on their website. Hence the reason for this piece. It suddenly occurred to us that we already have a 'poster-firm' on our network for all the things we're trying to promote. Early treatment, funding, and psychological care are part and parcel of CFG's already existing mantra.

If you've searched the web looking for a personal injury claims firm, then you'll have likely visited dozens of sites that all look identical with identical imagery and identical phrases. But I'm sure you'll agree that whilst the CFG website might look the same, the content is certainly unique. The downside is, they aren't looking to help everyone who's been injured. If you've tripped on a paving slab and scraped your knee, or if you only had a sore neck for a couple of days after a car accident - they are unlikely to dump all their expertise in your lap. We're recommending a huge range of decent firms that can help you though. Just use the solicitor search box in the top right column of this page.

The type of cases they handle can be seen a bit more clearly in their Case Studies section. We love case studies and a recent poll showed that the public love them too. The fact more firms don't include them on their websites boggles the mind. However, don't get too excited on this occasion. Whilst the section is labelled Case Studies, it's not like any other case study section we've encountered. It's very brief descriptions a few sentences long each about an accident, the injuries, and the amount paid out. With huge titles such as "Serious brain injury - £2,900,000 damages" and "Amputation - £534,000 damages" the more studious or simply schadenfreudian amongst you will be disappointed at the small amount of detail provided.

"We work closely with many charities and professionals that support families and survivors of serious injury."

This statement is supported by the very lengthy list of organisations the firm is a member of, supports, and/or utilises - including the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL), Headway (the Brain Injury Association), The Legal 500, Brain And Spinal Injury Centre (BASIC), The Spinal Injury Association (SIA), RoadPeace (helping families cope with road deaths), Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust (BIRT) and many more.

There aren't a lot of indications as to why this firm decided to be different. To us, pulling together all these extra resources and making them part of the claiming firm's duty rather than the client's - seems utterly logical. So there must be a reason that CFG have created this whilst the majority of others have not. One clue is in the Team section of their website, because another thing both we and the public are fond of is staff profiles. A photo, some history and details of expertise go a long way to instilling trust in a firm. On this occasion, the firm has thankfully missed out bits about their favourite colours, food, and hobbies. (No really, a lot of firms do that.) If you go to the Managing Director, Alastair Fernie's, profile you'll read that he:

"... studied engineering manufacture and management at Manchester University obtaining a Masters' degree prior to qualifying as a Solicitor. He has extensive experience, built up over the past 20 years, of helping catastrophically injured clients and their families."

There are three lawyers in my family, and if you lined us all up - I'm willing to bet most people could tell which three they are. I may be bias (having sought out engineering myself at uni) but I would imagine that someone who came at their law degree from a different angle has probably influenced the way CFG has come at injury claims from a different angle.

"CFG Law is a law firm unlike any other. Clients, their families, healthcare professionals and insurers alike tell us our approach is refreshingly different."

Anyway, I think that's plenty of writing about how impressed we are with the general setup. And obviously we think a lot of the firm otherwise they wouldn't be on our network. Any negative points? Well, thinking outside the box has resulted in us agreeing with at least 99% of CFG's mentality. However:

"We have never undertaken clinical or medical negligence claims. We support the NHS."

Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but if I am - I won't be the only one. Again, bias may come into play but I've been injured twice by negligence in the NHS and once had to grab the hand of a doctor who was about to use a dirty/used needle on my daughter that he'd picked up by mistake. I had to get another member of staff to come and explain why I'd stopped him too, because the doctor didn't speak english. However, I've also personally written and commissioned many articles about the shameful legal bill that burdens our NHS each year. There are solutions, but I don't believe the absence of claims will help the NHS improve.

So, does that philosophical or sociological disagreement give me pause in recommending the firm? Absolutely not. I'm just making the ever-laboured point that the 'views and beliefs of the linked to firm do not reflect the ... etc.' disclaimer is relevant in this instance.

One final note about navigation as we're dealing with an acronym. Obviously we've linked to the main site www.cfglaw.co.uk but www.cfglaw.com goes no-where, which usually ends up with people trying their luck with other names. Luckily the letters stand for Client First Group rather than a solicitor's name. So there's is unlikely to be confusion and people trying to enter that as a website address. Be aware that www.cfg.co.uk and www.cfg.com both are different firms, and searching for the three letters on their own on a search engine will bring up hundreds of firms not even in the same industry. We'd therefore recommend bookmarking the site once on it to be sure. Whilst most scammers tend to target clients of property solicitors, you never know what they might come up with next.

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with CFG Law it's best to visit the website (www.cfglaw.co.uk), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.


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» Briffa Legal Ltd - They also seem to have had prior lives and professions where Intellectual Property protection would have been important to them personally ...
» Helix Law Ltd - Tell us your problem and lets see if we can help ...
» Archways Solicitors - I will therefore leave it there for now and come back to update you later on ...
» Mancini Legal Ltd - etc ...
» Herrmann Lawyers - International firms should also cost less and save time ...
» Mercantile Barristers - Certainly not every firm that says so actually is ...
» Centenary Solicitors - On this occasion ...
» Kent Traffic Law - That is the only current valid site we know of though as www ...
» Michael Rose & Baylis - Not only that - they haven't gone over the top trying to prove the 'modern' part ...
» Berlad Graham LLP - Usually with these setups there is a central office with several solicitors that come into work each day at a desk then a couple of consultants on-the-side ...
» Thamina Solicitors Ltd - They must also have a family ...
» Bradford & Son Solicitors - Again ...

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