Hampson Hughes Solicitors: Info
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HH Law Ltd - Hampson Hughes Solicitors in Liverpool: Review
One of the founders of our own 1to1Legal Firm (Mike Beverley) actually started off as an accident investigator in Liverpool for a nationwide firm of solicitors. Having spent more than a year 'face down on the wet pavements of Liverpool taking photos and measurements' he's more aware of the big differences between the various personal injury firms. So do we recommend Hampson Hughes?
Certainly every personal injury firm on the web has a statement like this on their website. Unfortunately the only way to really know if a firm lives up to that promise is at the end of the case. For example, if they have obtained more compensation for you than the insurance company originally offered. So how else can you judge the merits of a firm?
This claim can be checked quite easily. You can look up the expertise and years of experience of any solicitor registered with The Law Socienty. If you look up the page for Hampson Hughes you'll see a range of new and more seasoned staff. From Ian Troop and Carlos Lopez (both qualified in 2000), to Paul Hampson (2005) and Gary Doward (2019) it's a good sign of tempered experience mixed with fresh faces hungry to prove themselves.
This is one of the bigger concerns people have during their case and the thing we see most complained about. Cases may take months or even years. Whilst a solicitor may have several cases keeping his attention, the client is only focused on one and thinking about it far more regularly. Being updated even just to say 'we're still waiting to hear from X', can help with peace of mind.
Do Hampson Hughes Solicitors do well in this area? Their own website testimonials certainly say so, but that's to be expected. Luckily there is a huge range of third party review boards to check as well:
"My solicitor was always happy to explain what was happening and in the end, he got me more compensation than what the insurance company were going to offer me"
"successfully won the case.... AND from start to finish (which only took 4 months) HH kept me informed on a regular basis"
"They kept me updated throughout the whole process and got my case solved really quickly"
There are dozens of similar reviews across Trustpilot, Google, Yell, etc. As always, we advise giving more weight to reviewers who are marked as having reviewed several other firms as well. The last firm we wrote an article on had a huge list of five star reviews all written within the past month by reviewers who had only ever written that one review. (Pause to raise an eyebrow.) We didn't see any of such fishy goings-on for Hampson Hughes though.
The only things we didn't like about this firm don't really bear much relation to their actual work as personal injury solicitors. For example, we've always made our thoughts about 'online compensation calculators' very clear. We don't like them for various reasons such as often being misleading and helping reduce claims to simply being about money. However, even though Hampson Hughes has one of these on their site - they do state a focus outside of just being about money.
We wish more solicitors would take such a focus, especially in the areas where the trauma is not always physical. We've done our share of claimant interviews, and it's not uncommon to have someone try to tell you they've been emotionally-scarred-for-life by a two week whiplash injury. But there really are issues that need to be dealt with by mental health professionals. Not by a larger cheque.
As you'll have seen on the Law Society page we linked to above, this firm also goes by HH Law Limited. The official website is the one we link to www.hampsonhughes.com with www.hampsonhughes.co.uk redirecting you there. However there is a host of possible misspellings using 'Hamson' or 'Hughs' by accident. Plus we see some people calling them Hampson and Hughes too. We tried a few on Google and the majority of the time the correct firm showed up but none of the domain varients we tried did. So for security's sake it's probably a good idea to bookmark the correct site once you're on it. Whilst mostly conveyancing firms get targetted by scammers, you never know what's around the corner.
General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Hampson Hughes Solicitors it's best to visit the website (www.hampsonhughes.com), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.
This Hampson Hughes Solicitors article is rated
4.2 / 5 based on 18 reviews. †
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» Avery & Walters Ltd - every member of the Avery Walters team is a specialist in their chosen field and has either worked for National Law firms or has been in their sector for many years and are indeed experts in their field" /div
Statements such as these for example can be checked through places such as The Law Society ...
» 5 Essex Court Chambers & Partners - We've linked to the official www ...
» Serious Injury Law Solicitors - Whilst scammers tend to a href="https ...
» Kudos Legal Solicitors - does a amazing job and keeps you up to date" /div
On the whole very positive ...
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Also keep an eye out for whether a firm offers a free consultation with the actual qualified solicitor who may be running your case /b ...
» OJ Solicitors Glasgow - We ran a poll last year /b and a whopping 81% of you said you didn't trust testimonials on company websites ...
» Penn Chambers Ltd - Just the fact they kick it off with "We know it is boring ...
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» Aina Khan Solicitors - For all we know their award could have been for a good website design or a medal for taking part in a local charity fun-run ...
» Artington Services Ltd - It avoids stagnation within a firm ...
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