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Aina Khan Law Ltd: Info

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Aina Khan Law

Aina Khan Law -

Aina Khan Law are family law specialists in the UK and internationally. They have an easy and speedy online welcome system, so you can get started whenever and wherever you like. Unlike other lawyers, who charge by the hour, they offer Agreed Fees per stage - so work is done quickly and well. Aina Khan OBE regularly wins against the leading London firms.

Office Address: 25 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, , Greater London, WC2A 1AL
Web Address: Link unavailable. Click to see local map of alternatives >>
Email Address: contact@ainakhanlaw.com
Phone Number: 020 3858 8020

Aina Khan Solicitors on YouTube

Aina Khan Law Ltd - Family Law Solicitors in Broxbourne, London: Review

Typically when we review a firm we have to excuse the majority of their website's content. If you've already flicked through a dozen solicitor sites today, you've probably asked the same question - "Is the same person writing all of these?" The constant repetition of marketing jargon such as 'modern but traditional', 'fast but not rushed', 'friendly but professional' might sound good. But if everyone's saying it, how can you tell the firms apart?

We were therefore very happy to find the Aina Khan website to be far more unique in it's sales-pitching content. In fact, out of the 200+ review articles we've put out over the past 20+ years of working with law firms - we can safely say that Aina Khan's site is one of the best balanced we've seen. In other words, it lists real accomplishments rather than vague hints at greatness whilst never crossing the line into obnoxious boasting.

For example - out of a hundred typical law firm websites at least twenty of them will say they are 'one of the leading law firms in the UK'. But what does that actually mean? How many firms are in this never-mentioned list of 'leading firms' for that practice to be one of them? Ten? A hundred? A thousand? Again, it's just marketing jargon. Aina Khan's site says something similar:

Aina Khan Law Ltd

"Aina Khan OBE Solicitor is a world-renowned family Law specialist. She provides decisive and speedy legal settlements across the UK and globally."

But then it's backed up with actual stats:

"Aina is a leading expert in international families, with an unparalleled knowledge of Islamic and Asian issues. 25+ years’ expertise. 5,000+ cases. 35+ countries covered."

Another thing we see alot is firms stating they are 'Award Winning' with no further reference to what that award was for. For all we know their award could have been for a good website design or a medal for taking part in a local charity fun-run. It may have nothing to do with their actual legal expertise. Aina Khan states that she is also Award Winning, but then has a page dedicated to explaining what the award was for.

If a firm does not clarify their expertise and experience on their website, there is a way to find out yourself. Most legal professionals in the UK are signed up with some local Law Society. Aina Khan Law Ltd for example are signed up with The Law Society for England & Wales. If you check the page relating to them you will see links to information about people at the practice, case types handled, related trading names, and so on. If you click the name of a staff member you will be shown further information about them.

It states that Aina Khan qualified as a solicitor back in 1991, so that more than verifies her claim to having over 25+ years experience. You can therefore do this with most firms you're researching if they are making large claims without providing clarifications. It can also really help with firms that make statements such as '20 years of experience within the firm'. That could mean two solicitors with 10 years experience each. But it could also mean five solicitors with just 4 years experience each. Something to watch out for.

We always like to have a range of specialists on our network for you to choose from. This firm obviously focuses solely on Family Law matters. Beyond that though, they even cover a range of case types relating to international issues which can be unbelievably complex.

"She [Aina] has for many years had a personally chosen, trusted network of legal experts across Europe, the Middle East, the Far East, South East Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia."

It also states she is an:

"Advisor to Ministry of Justice, Home Office, Foreign Office ... Founder & Director of Register Our Marriage campaign for marriage law reform. Member of Law Society’s Advanced Family Panel."

A quick note on navigation. While looking around for information about this firm you may see references to both Aina Khan Solicitors and Aina Khan Law Ltd. These are the same firm and both phrases should bring up the correct website www.ainakhanlaw.com on search engines. Be aware that www.ainakhanlaw.co.uk is currently not in use. We also saw the site www.ainakhan.com mentioned on other websites and in the search results. However when we clicked it directed us to the main site. Again, www.ainakhan.co.uk was not in use.

As the name is quite unique there shouldn't really be problems like you get with some firms that use generic terms in their names e.g. Accident Claims Scotland or Serious Law. (Both genuine law firm names.) Plus most scammers are targeting property law firms due to the large payouts and ease of tricking people into depositing money into fake bank accounts.

Sadly there weren't many independent reviews across the usual third party forums such as Google, Facebook, Yell, Trustpilot and Yelp. We assume this is because this firm handles very personal and distressing cases such as divorce and child custody. So maybe not a lot of people feel the urge to go online and share their feelings. Normally we don't refer to a firm's own testimonials. According to our poll last year only 21% of people trusted reviews posted on a company's own website. On this occasion though, we're going to break with tradition because the comments are not the usual "Highly recommend!" blandness.

"It is amazing that you were able to advise on my complex Surrogacy case while I was working abroad"

"My husband thought he could dismiss me with nothing after our divorce. My first lawyer said he was beyond reach of the English court as all our assets were abroad. You confidently and quickly traced his hidden assets"

"When I transferred my case to you from other lawyers, I had lost all hope of seeing my son again. You turned the case round completely"

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Aina Khan Law Ltd it's best to visit the website (www.ainakhanlaw.com), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

Aina Khan Solicitors

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