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Lawcomm Solicitors

Lawcomm Solicitors -

Lawcomm Solicitors are dedicated to providing their clients with efficient and cost-effective services that are tailored to the specific needs of the case. They handle a range of matters for both businesses and individuals. They are happy to meet at either of their two office locations, at your home, or your place of work. They can also work with you over the phone, via email, or through their secure online portal.

Office Address: Unit 2, Fulcrum 2, Solent Way, , England, PO15 7FN
Web Address: Link unavailable. Click to see local map of alternatives >>
Email Address: advice@lawcomm.co.uk
Phone Number: 01489 864 100

Lawcommercial Trading Ltd on YouTube

Lawcomm Solicitors Services in Fareham, Whiteley & London: Review

Usually when we write an article on a firm that handles conveyancing, people are often confused to see us promoting and praising a firm that may have hundreds of complaining reviews. We then have to spend several paragraphs explaining and providing examples to show why conveyancers will always get an abnormal percentage of negative comments. If a property sale delays or crashes because of the third party buyer/seller - the solicitor gets blamed. They are not always 100% in control but quite often take 100% of the blame.

However we don't need to do that for Lawcomm Solicitors because despite being a property handling firm with hundreds of online reviews - they've somehow managed to maintain a really high general rating across the various platforms such as Google, Yell, Trustpilot, etc.

"Established since 1999 ... by the current Managing Director from a single desk and has grown steadily"

When checking out solicitors, 1999 as a established date may sound quite new with so many firms proudly quoting founding dates 100+ years or more. In all honesty though, founding dates in the 1800s really don't mean much. It's not as though there are some 200-year experienced solicitors sitting behind any of the desks. We've seen a firm stating a 150 year history yet their staff list contained no solicitor with more than a decade's worth of experience. Another stated how they had been serving the local community for over a hundred years simply because they bought the building from a longer established firm. (Yes, really.)

You can always check The Law Society's website for the skills and qualification dates of any firm and their solicitors. That will provide you better details about their expertise and experience. If you look up Lawcomm's page you'll see a good mix of old and new. Neil Woolgar qualified back in 1982, David Roper in 1991, and Kelly Pragnell in 2010. Always a good sign.

"A modern Law Firm. In most cases you can work with us directly by phone, email and our secure client portal or we are happy to meet with you in any of our locations or even at your home or place of work."

As we've mentioned before with other firms we've written about, there is a very welcome growing trend for law firms to embrace technology and provide these online portals. At this point we would actually state that any firm that hasn't created such a facility for their clients is falling behind and lacking something that should really be a basic provision.

It's not surprising with all this high praise and focus on client care that Lawcomm Solicitors were named "Best Law Firm for Conveyancing" in 2019. (Article from the Southern Daily Echo) Of course the firm has the obligatory Customer Testimonials on their website, however we're aware from the poll we did last year that many of you don't put much stock in these types of recommendation. So what are people saying on the independent review forums:

"I have found their services extremely efficient and professional. My solicitor Sophie has been so helpful."

"Very helpful, lawcomm always picked up phone calls straight away. If you needed to speak to someone in particular and they were busy you always got a call back quickly."

"Tahzeem handled our property very professionally from the start to completion, she is well organised and get things done"

"I recently bought a house and they made the process easy and quick as possible. Even during the Covid-19 lock down everything worked as usual."

On Google for example, they have 232 reviews with an overall 4.2/5 rating. As we mentioned in the opening paragraphs of this article, that's pretty amazing for a firm that handles property. Some of the largest and most successful conveyancing firms in the country with over a thousand reviews each end up with 2/5 and 3/5 ratings because of how precarious property sales can be. So yes, there are certainly plenty of negative reviews about Lawcomm as well. But in context these need to balanced and compared against how other property handling firms are portrayed.

Lawcomm should also get a couple of thumbs up for having a proper Blog section. Far too often we see companies - not just law firms - fill up their blog section with the most thin articles you'll ever see that are mainly just more sales pitches about how great their firm is. On this firm's site however, there seems to be a genuine provision of pieces intended to help with titles such as "Will the New Shared Ownership Model Work?" and "New Residential Possession Proceedings Guidance".

"Reliable legal services for start-ups and small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMEs)."

We've focused a lot on the property side of this firm for (hopefully) obvious reasons. However they do cover a wide range of matters for both individuals and businesses. It's simply that such a large amount of what we found related to their property side. When searching for reviews and information about this firm yourselves elsewhere, please note that Lawcommercial Trading Limited is the full company name. Their official website that we've linked to above is www.lawcomm.co.uk and it's an https secure site. At the moment, them having quite a unique name means that if you make an error such as www.lawcomm.com nothing with show up so you'll know you'll have made a mistake. The same goes for www.lawcommsolicitors.co.uk or www.lawcommsolicitors.com or any of the hyphenated versions of each.

Even so, we would still recommend bookmarking the correct website once you're on it and being very careful with any emails you receive because solicitors handling property are constantly being targeted by scammers. So one day a mistype domain such as www.lawcom.com could be picked up for a few pounds by such a scammer and used to trick people into handing over bank details.

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Lawcomm Solicitors it's best to visit the website (www.lawcomm.co.uk), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

Lawcommercial Trading Ltd

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» www.averywalters.com - This article is only about the Avery Walters side though and the website for them is www ...
» www.5essexcourt.co.uk - There is a also a full list of the barristers available along with their experience and expertise ...
» www.seriousinjurylaw.co.uk - Their staff pages do indeed have direct email addresses for each individual solicitor ...
» www.kudoslegal.co.uk - I just want to say a big thank you to Rafaad for helping me deal with my contract enquiry ...
» www.frankrogerslaw.co.uk - a specialist driving offence solicitor knows how to present mitigating circumstances and can often get a penalty reduced or ...
» www.oj-solicitors.co.uk - ...
» www.pennchambers.co.uk - You also need to be careful with claims such as '30 years of experience within the firm' /i or '25 years of combined experience' /i because that could simply mean several solicitors all with only a couple of years experience each ...
» www.hutcheonlaw.co.uk - It usually means they've added up the experience years of all the staff ...
» www.taborns.com - Unfortunately ...
» www.ainakhanlaw.com - Aina Khan Law Ltd for example are signed up with The Law Society for England & Wales ...
» www.artington.com - So how can you research the facts behind such statements ...
» www.apprisels.co.uk - Thirty years ago a same sex civil partnership each life-insured with ex-partners and an adopted child would have been inconceivable ...

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