Thorpe Wilson Solicitors: Info
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Thorpe Wilson Ltd Solicitors in Rochdale: Review
Obviously with the dozens of firms we review on this site, it's impossible for us to come up with dozens of legal matters to test them with as a consumer. But as there are always plenty of forums for clients to express their opinions, we try to help by offering extra information, links and perspective on each law firm.
Having worked with law firms for over 20 years now, our team know the best resources to help you research a firm and can spot things between the lines which most people might not be aware of. For example, the phrase 'No Win, No Fee' only means that there are no costs if your case loses. Many firms will actually charge fees if your case wins. This is usually through a Conditional Fee Arrangement (CFA) such as taking a 25% cut of your compensation. Every firm should make this absolutely clear to you early on in your enquiries.
So what can we tell you about Thorpe Wilson Solicitors? Well you may have noticed that like many other firms, Thorpe Wilson make statements such as:
That may sound odd - i.e. stating to be a 'specialist' for such a long list of case types. For example, Asda do not 'specialise' in Cereal, Milk, Chocolate, Underwear, Toys and Bottled Water. However the list above is actually a genuine specialist list because most of those case types come under the umbrella term of Litigation. So whether your case is an injury at work, in a car, or on a pavement - the core practice is the same. There is an injured party who needs to get compensation from a third party or a third party's insurer.
The thing to watch out for is firms stating a wide range of specialities across different areas of law such as Divorce, Bankruptcy, Commercial Property, Immigration, etc. when there is only one actual qualified solicitor at that firm to handle them all. So yes, despite the long case list Thorpe Wilson can still be 'specialists' in those areas
All companies have sales-pitch language on their websites. Sadly in the legal professional you may have noticed that nearly all law firms seem to use an almost identical style of sales-pitch text. So how can you tell which might be more likely to deliver on those promises? One good resource is your area's Law Society website. The Law Society of England & Wales has an excellent website offering a wide range of information about the legal professionals and law offices registered with them.
If you look up the page for this firm you can confirm their SRA (Solicitor Regulation Authority) status, check their expertise list, see what languages their staff speak, and so on. There are also links to each staff member to see their own individual case focus, qualification dates, and roles within the firm.
The only way to really verify statements like this one is through comments by previous clients. Thorpe Wilson don't have any testimonials listed on their website. However a poll we ran a couple of years ago indicated that most people don't trust company's own testimonials anyway. As mentioned earlier, there are plenty of independent review boards to check such as Google, Trustpilot,, Yelp, etc.
"Excellent service, felt our issues were heard and met"
"very helpful and kept me informed throughout the whole process"
"They were extremely helpful, dealt with my queries swiftly and settled my claim without any delay."
Most of the reviews we saw were positive like the snippets above. No matter what firm you're researching though, we always recommend reading comments rather than relying on general star ratings. We've seen hundreds of errors over the years with people posting negative reviews that are clearly about a completely different firm. We saw a review recently where someone left a one star rating for an Immigration firm for refusing to take on their Divorce case. So context is key.
A quick note about navigation. On the Law Society website and the firm's own footer notes you'll see that the firm can go by Thorpe Wilson Ltd or Thorpe Wilson Solicitors. The official website is which we link to above. The version currently shows nothing and all the typical typos versions we checked such as were also not owned by the firm. We have seen terms such as 'Thorpe & Wilson' showing up in the search stats which currently brings the correct firm up. But it's not the right name.
The firm's website is https secure for submitting your details via the online form. We would also recommend bookmarking the website if you plan on coming back to it. Whilst the majority of scams at the moment tend to target law firms dealing with property matters, you never know what's around the corner.
General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Thorpe Wilson Solicitors it's best to visit the website (, check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

This Thorpe Wilson Solicitors article is rated
4.2 / 5 based on 14 reviews. †
(Voting has been paused for this page.)

Other Law Firms with Reviews like Thorpe Wilson Solicitors:
» - The number of larger firms we know that still choose to work under the scheme are few and far between ...
» - That's great ...
» - The English/Welsh Law Society's website is actually the best we've seen /b amongst it's peers ...
» -
div class="infoquote" "Your problems are our business ...
» - There are quite a few independent forums such as Google ...
» - Other popular forums are available including Trustpilot ...
» - Linkilaw is one of them and Linkilaw Solicitors is their newest version ...
» - Of course ...
» - as well as having changed from Field Fisher & Co to Field Fisher and then finally Fieldfisher ...
» - - that's quite a small niggle ...
» - Always be aware of what site you're on though and never discuss payments via email /b or if someone calls you up ...
» -
div class="infoquote" "We understand the devastating and traumatic effect being a victim of a violent crime ...
» - But such ancient founding claims are really just marketing ploys ...
» - Take Aconveyancing up on their offer ...

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