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Law Firm Client Referral Program | Referral Network Services for Lawyers, Solicitors & Barristers - 1to1Legal.co.uk 1to1 Legal UK 1to1 Legal USA
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Looking for a new, fresh stream of referrals? More than 75%* of the traffic to our referral network comes from sources other than search engines. That means social media networks, forums, offline marketing, other websites, affiliate marketing, and even direct.

How? These days, search engines account for 61% of visitors to websites (source conductor.com). Out of that, Google has a 67% market share on search engine traffic (source netmarketshare.com). That means for every 100 visitors to an average website, only 41 of them have come through Google. That's impressive, but it also means Google no longer controls the web.

Google's decision to cover more than half its results page with adverts, has seen people relying more on their favourite interest sites to provide direction. Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Wikipedia, Reddit, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and many more have risen dramatically as potential traffic sources.

We've been producing law leads since 1999 across a network of more than 100+ websites. We put a wide range of potential clients (divorce, conveyancing, injury, wills, etc.) in touch with solicitors that can help, locally if possible. Interested in joining us?
Law Firm Lead Referrals

Google Analytics TIMESAVING: If you are a small firm, spending 2-3 hours a day managing Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn accounts (as well as updating Blogs, RSS feeds and so on) - is probably not going to bring you enough clients to warrant the effort. More likely, you'll end up answering a lot of basic legal questions for free or saying "that's not my area of expertise" alot.

Outsourcing has always been a key way to balance these types of problems - and with the 1to1Legal.co.uk network receiving nearly 75%* of it's traffic from sources other than search engines - there aren't many better places to start.

Find a Lawyer WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE A BACKUP ALTERNATIVE TO 'GOOGLE'? Tens of thousands of visitors come to us from social media networks, forums, offline marketing, other websites, and direct. That's a huge cross-section of online traffic that completely bypasses the almighty Google.

When those visitors reach our website, they enter their postcode and select the type of legal issue they wish to discuss. They are then shown all the law firms in our database nearest them that deal with that type of legal enquiry.

That means your divorce firm isn't answering the phone to injured pedestrians, and your criminal law firm won't get inundated with commercial property questions.

YOU COULD BE RECEIVING A NEW STREAM OF POTENTIAL CLIENTS IN JUST ONE HOUR! Enter your details below and we'll send over a guaranteed quote with further details about the setup and any extras we can offer you at this time:

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Legal Small Print * Amount of non-search engine traffic varies over time. 75% estimate taken from web statistics in Jan 2025.

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What are People Saying?

"A Great service." - JAFLAS

"we would like to go ahead for another year" - HB

"Happy to renew with you" - David F

"we are happy to continue" - Sharon I.

*random snippets copy/pasted from comments made by third parties on the web such as twitter, facebook, linkedin, etc.
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