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Lefevres Law: Info

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Lefevres -

Lefevres handle a range of litigation matters for both businesses and individuals including Personal Injury and Medical Negligence. Each of their lawyers has extensive experience and knowledge in their respective fields and will take time to explore the available options and potential risks specific to your case. Initial consultations are free and you will be kept updated throughout.

Office Address: 4 Randolph Place, , Scotland, EH3 7TQ
Web Address: Link unavailable. Click to see local map of alternatives >>
Email Address: ld@lefevres.law
Phone Number: 0131 226 5408

Lefevres Scotland Ltd on YouTube

Lefevres Law Firm - Litigation Solicitors in Edinburgh, Glasgow & Aberdeen: Review

At 1to1Legal we try to get a varied selection of options for people to choose from. That way when you search our database for help in your area we can show you everything such as a regular high street general practice solicitor, a specialist firm, a direct access barrister, a non-law-firm based solution, and others.

One thing that can get confusing though is when a firm is labelled as a 'specialist' but seems to state a simply huge range of cases that they cover. For example Lefevres list Medical Negligence, Employment Disputes, Product Liability, Slips/Trips, and more in their drop down Legal Services menu. However that is a single area of law called Litigation. In the same way, under the umbrella of Family Law there is the related case titles of Divorce and Child Custody. It's just that for Litigation matters, solicitors tend to list all the various types of injury separately. It's still very much a specialty though.

"Extensive experience on your side. Minimal strain on your time and your money. And above all, the comfort of knowing your best interests are protected."

Lefevres Law

These statements from the Lefevres website are claims made by practically every law firm. If you've already been through a dozen or so other legal company websites today looking for a good fit for you and your case - that's something you may have noticed quite quickly. Sometimes even all the images look the same. That can make it hard to distinguish the parts that stand out or things that might be uniquely good about a certain firm.

"We strive to learn everything about your company and truly get to know you on a personal level, so as to serve you as a trusted advisor for the long term."

The first place people tend to visit when researching a firm is the public review boards. Lefevres do have some bits of customer feedback on their website. Typically these are called 'testimonials' rather than 'reviews' because they are always the most positive comments they have on file and have usually been obtained through a customer feedback form or questionnaire rather than spontaneously offered praise. That can make them sound a little more formal:

"the best possible service is given and best possible result is achieved for the clients"

"they have a fantastic ability to handle high value, complex claims"

"one of the most thoroughly professional solicitors that I have come across in many years of instructing litigation"

"they have a fantastic ability to handle high value, complex claims"

Those are a few snippets from the firm's site. So how does this law office fare on the third party forums? The most common ones people visit are Google, Facebook, Trustpilot, and Yelp. So here are a few snippets from them:

"took on my medical negligence case when none of the 'big names' were interested"

"explained the legal document to me in lamen [sic] terms"

"took the time to give me lots of advice"

"helped make a particularly stressful time as easy as possible with a fast and favourable resolution"

There were all very positive too with a lot of praise being directed at specific people within the firm by name rather than just general comments about the practice as a whole. That's a very positive sign and certainly backs up at least one of the claims we quoted earlier regarding their aims of providing a more 'personal service'.

Sadly in Scotland the Law Society website covering legal professionals is not as good as their English/Welsh counterpart. (We're based in Peterhead so, if anything, we should be bias the other way on this.) Rather than the Law Society having individual pages on each firm containing a wealth of information about each, there is simply some search results with a drop down box including basic information the firm themselves have probably already provided. The Law Society of Scotland does have an article about one of the firm's solicitors that moved over to Lefevres from another firm in the area. Iain Nicol was tagged as being quite a considerable addition to the firm's lineup too ... well, we think so anyway. Here is what they said about him:

"A Fellow of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, he is also the current convener of the Law Society of Scotland's Civil Justice Committee, a peer reviewer for civil legal aid and a member of its Pursuers' Panel which advises on negligence claims against other solicitors, as well as being a member of the Scottish Civil Justice Council's Costs & Funding Committee."

We would imagine that 99% of people looking for a solicitor will have no idea what that all means. But it certainly sounds impressive and from such a reputable, reliable source it's probably safe to assume it is so. There are lots of other little bits and pieces around the web that most regular consumers may not notice.

For example, Lefevres are listed in the Legal Aid board database. That might not sound like something amazing, but in reality the majority of legal professionals have pulled away from Legal Aid cases completely. Since the 90's the government has made an increasing effort to strip Legal Aid funding and eligibility as much as possible. It now applies to very few case types, even fewer people, and pays out far less than a solicitor could earn just focusing on private cases. It's like trying to find a dentist that will work on the NHS funding. (Yes, it's THAT bad.) So if you see a firm saying they handle cases under Legal Aid - that can really be an indication of some genuine underlying care about people and the law.

"We want our clients to make the right choice and get the best possible legal outcome, so we take the extra time to explore options, identify risks and keep you informed during the process."

One thing which might stand out to many that we should probably cover is the start date of the firm. Even the most cursory search on the web will show that Lefevres only just became listed with companies house in 2020. However they claim decades of experience.

The only reason this might cause concern to some people is because of the huge number of law firms still making ancient founding date claims such as 'established in 1881'. Such marketing language makes any law firm starting up this century sound almost brand new. But the legal industry is one of a tiny minority that still thinks there is some gain to be had from being claiming their brand name is really, really old. The obvious inference being that the older the company, the more experience they must have. In our honest opinion though, that's complete nonsense and any claims about founding dates should be utterly ignored.

You can be assigned a 1-year-qualified solicitor from a 200-year-old firm. You can end up hiring a 40-year-guru lawyer from a law practice that set up 6 months ago. The age of the firm's branding is irrelevant and often a very tenuous claim anyway. The number of years' experience your actual solicitor has and whether they've spent that time working on a wide range of cases similar to yours is the only timeframe that ultimately matters

"At Lefevres we have access to a number of different funding solutions that can be tailored to the requirement of our clients and are happy to discuss this in greater detail and assess that requirement when you have made your enquiry."

One quick point of clarification when scrolling through the various law firm websites: 'no win, no fee' and '100% compensation guaranteed' do not mean the same thing. The second means there are no costs to you at all throughout the entire case, win or lose. The first only means there are no fees if your case loses. But if your case wins the solicitor you hire may take a cut of your settlement. This is usually around 25% and is called a 'conditional fee arrangement'. It may sound like a lot, but bear in mind that a good lawyer taking 25% of a £5000 win is better than an inexperienced lawyer taking 0% of a £2000 settlement.

A quick note on navigation too. The name is quite unique so any searches for 'lefevers solicitors', 'lefevere's law', or other commonly expected errors all still brought up the correct site in searches. The official website we link to is www.lefevres.law which is a fairly new tld. www.lefevres.co.uk brings up nothing and www.lefevres.com is an accountancy firm. None of the expected typos such as www.lefevre.law seemed to be owned by anyone just now either. Usually this might cause some concern over potential issues such as 'phishing', but with their case range being litigation - there is less cause for concern. Scammers typically target law firm clients that are intending to send large sums of money such as a deposit in a house purchase. People are handing tens of thousands of pounds over to fraudsters sometimes after only receiving a single email telling them the bank details for payment have changed.

"We have a wealth of experience in handling claims not only in Scotland and the UK, but abroad too."

Lefevres website is https secure for filling in your personal details on the contact forms. There is another website at www.lefevre-litigation.co.uk which seems to be an individual site for their Aberdeen office. (Their other locations being Glasgow and Edinburgh.) According to the Law Society of Scotland they are the same firm but for some reason the main Lefevres' law site states the Aberdeen office is at 70 Carden Place whilst everywhere else lists it as 40 Carden Place. Either way, just be aware of which site you are on when searching the web and never discuss payments via email.

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Lefevres Law it's best to visit the website (www.lefevres.law), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

Lefevres Scotland Ltd

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» JPS Walker Solicitors Ltd - This can make spotting differences between them to evaluate very difficult ...
» Bell Lax Solicitors - This is important because if you are swayed by either the first or last of those statements - you could end up with a 1 year qualified lawyer with zero experience ...
» Stowe Family Law - So the name is still quite unique ...
» Rose Fendlen Law - The official site we link to above is www ...
» Hill House Chambers - Always take care on the internet as many legal matters are now being targeted by scammers due to the large amounts of money available ...
» Mackenzie Jones Solicitor - If you check the a href="https ...
» Brown and Co Solicitors - Make sure you are on the correct website and never discuss bank details or payments by email ...
» Smith and Graham Solicitors - If you a href="https ...
» Thaxted Legal Ltd - So you'd think we'd always have an arsenal of tools /b to research any firm we come across ...
» Summerfield Browne Solicitors - The law advice you get needs to be spot on as well ...
» Stephanie Heijdra - So if you've spent the last few hours reading endless sales-pitch paragraphs on solicitor websites - this might be a welcome break ...
» Woodstock Legal Services - Commentaries from other businesses willing to stamp their approval have more weight in our opinion ...

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