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Pointon & Co Solicitors

Pointon & Co Solicitors -

The solicitors at Pointon & Co have a wealth of experience in personal injury matters, giving them an edge when it comes to negotiating settlements. They promise the personal and client-focused service you'd expect from a small firm. They also provide appointments outside of regular business hours or at your home if needed.

Office Address: Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire, , England, ST5 7SW
Web Address: Link unavailable. Click to see local map of alternatives >>
Email Address: karen@pointonsolicitors.co.uk
Phone Number: 01782 560706

Pointon and Co Solicitors Ltd on YouTube

Karen Pointon & Co Solicitors Ltd in Newcastle-under-Lyme: Review

We've written hundreds of review articles over the past 20 years and if you've already read some on this site, you'll know that we do our homework and have no problem pointing out any issues we spot. Even if the review is about one of our network firms (which about a quarter of these reviews are) these articles are independent and completely off limits for their input or editing.

Why state that? Because our review of Pointon & Co Solicitors is going to be pretty positive. So much so that we're concerned people might think we've been paid or co-erced. We'll skip the debate on societal issues relating to how online opinions online are almost expected to be negative/critical and will start off with the opening paragraph of the firm's site. It states that the About Me page:

"... will help you understand my drive and enthusiasm for an industry that can sometimes be classed as impersonal and aggressive. The information below will give you an insight into my legal expertise and career to date."

Pointon & Co Solicitors

We've written a dozen articles about how legal professionals need to move away from brand focusing and become more personal. The most easiest step is to create staff profile pages containing each solicitor/barrister's expertise (e.g. case focus) and experience (e.g. how long they've been practising). Direct contact details for each individual staff member would also greatly help build trust for obvious reasons. Some firms have started stating their favourite foods, colours and pet's names though which isn't really what we're suggesting or recommend.

People these days want to know more about what their solicitor is like rather than how many centuries ago the brand name was established. Pointon & Co have not just embraced this move, but it's the very first thing pushed on their website. To us this indicates a very client-oriented and personalised focus.

If you are researching firms and don't get much information from their website, you can always check The Law Society database. The page for this firm for example provides links to qualification dates, contact details, case range, and more. It's a great tool where information is scarce.

"Appointments are only by prior arrangement, please call, we visit evenings and weekends at your convenience."

I don't know anyone who has walked by a solicitor's office and thought '... I'll go in'. So in our opinion, having to make an appointment vs firms that take walk-ins shouldn't be a deciding factor when choosing legal representation. The second part of that statement with both evening and weekend appointments possible is actually much rarer than you think.

We've been very forthright with our criticism of law firms that still work the traditional 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri hours only. Decades ago before the invention of faxes, email, mobile phones, and the seven day working week - there really wasn't much point in solicitors being open when the courts, insurers, etc. were also not open. But now there are so many people with odd hours (I'm writing this at 11pm at home simply to try and catch up on work) that people having to give up their lunch break or day off to visit their solicitor just seems ... well, wrong. A lot of firms have started having a couple of late nights during the week. Some are doing half day Saturdays. So as mentioned, Pointon & Co's offering to work around your schedule is no small thing.

• "able to achieve a very quick result where previous solicitors had failed"

• "I was kept up to date and Karen knew exactly what my claim was worth and worked hard to reach the final settlement"

• "never gave up fighting and had a positive result in the end"

• "Everything was explained clearly and all correspondence and enquiries were conducted promptly"

• "not at all intimidated by the large corporate giant ... Tesco changed their representation twice and then admitted liability"

If you've already read through several law firm's websites today, you may have spotted how much of the 'testimonials' sound the same. Constant repetitions of 'would highly recommend' and 'wonderful service' over and over with no actual information about what service they received or what the individual would recommend about them. That's why we typically point people to third party review forums such as Google, Yellow Pages, Yelp and so on. With those you're pretty much guaranteed to read about exactly what went right or wrong with the reviewer's experience.

However the reviews quoted above are actually from Pointon's testimonials page. Unfortunately we were not able to find any reviews on the regular forums. Not even on their own Facebook page. But whilst it would be good to have some independent sources to quote, it's safe to assume that if someone really did have a horrific experience with the firm - they would have rushed onto the internet to warn us all. Usually with excessive punctuation and intermittent ALLCAPS.

"The Claimant started a claim for compensation after falling into a sunken manhole outside a business premises. The Local Authority denied ownership ... The Business premises owners also denied liability ... instead blaming the owner of the manhole (a telecoms company) for lack of maintenance. Court proceedings were issued against the telecoms company and both registered owners of the business property."

We love case studies and have recently discovered potential clients find them very useful as well. The heavily snippeted example above is just the kind of thing claimants want to hear about the solicitor they're thinking of using. A case where everyone denies responsibility for the section of pavement where the accident happened. I genuinely found myself in that position six years ago after being injured just outside a water treatment plant. The huge, brand name, multi-office law firm I went to refused to take it on unless I actually went out and pinned down who owned that section of pavement myself.

We'll finish with a quick work on navigation as there are a few firms with 'Pointon' in their names or consultants to other law firms. For example, there's a Pointon & Co in County Down, Ireland. The official site for Karen Pointon's law firm is www.pointonsolicitors.co.uk and it is https secure (that little green padlock in the browser bar). But www.pointonsolicitors.com is not owned by the firm and therefore does not redirect you. Ampersands are not allowed in web addresses so names such as www.pointon&co.co.uk can't exist but www.pointonandco.co.uk certainly could, as well as www.pointon.co.uk or www.pointon.com - none of which are for the correct firm.

Typically we advise people to bookmark the site once they know they're on the correct on. Especially when it comes to legal matters involving money due to the number of scammers about. Property sales/purchases are currently the main target for scammers, but you never know what's on the horizon.

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Pointon & Co Solicitors it's best to visit the website (www.pointonsolicitors.co.uk), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

Pointon and Co Solicitors Ltd

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» www.kudoslegal.co.uk - A 1-year-old law firm could have a 40-year-experienced solicitor on it's staff ...
» www.frankrogerslaw.co.uk - At the moment it's a href="https ...
» www.oj-solicitors.co.uk - A one-year-old firm might have twenty-year-experienced solicitors on staff and a twenty-year-old firm might stick you with a one-year-experienced solicitor ...
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» www.taborns.com - On those occasions we have to use our 'gut' backed by 20+ years experience working with law firms /b across the UK ...

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