Aspire Licensing: Info
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Aspire Licensing & Administrative Services in Whitley Bay, Newcastle: Review
Aspire Licensing & Administrative Services are probably one of the most niche firms we've ever had on our network. Certainly we can't think of one that's more niche off-hand, but we've been doing this for over twenty years now. Whilst we often discuss the pros and cons of using specialists, we usually are talking about firms that handle Business Law compared to a firm that tries to handle absolutely everything from Divorce to Litigation to Motor Offenses and more.
The list of services Aspire state on their website is extensive. But that's what you'd expect from a firm that deals day in day out with a single area of law. They also provide help with courses that will often be required in order to get certain licenses - if you don't have people already with those qualifications. For example a Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering, Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace, Level 3 Emergency First Aid at Work, and so on.
Other benefits of working in such a specific section of law include building up a huge amount connections and expertise with the various organisations themselves around the country. Much more than a firm that only covers a handful of such cases each month as part of their general commercial legal work. Aspire Licensing point this out themselves as well stating they have:
Usually we point people to various organisations such as the firm's local Law Society or quote stats from Legal Ombudsman databases. However to be clear - Aspire Licensing do not state they are a law firm in the traditional sense and no mention is made to 'solicitors' within the firm. They handle what would be considered legal matters, and the term 'advisors' is used. They are therefore not registered with the Law Society of England & Wales or the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).
Is this a negative point then? Licensing is an area of law where you can have help and be represented by a non-court-qualified person. We promote the same sort of alternative help in other areas of law as well. For example you don't always need a lawyer to deal with your Tax/HMRC problem. In fact, an experienced accountant could cost much less yet be far more effective. The same is sometimes true of debt matters. For cases such as Motor Offenses or a Personal Injury, absolutely we would recommend a firm that is clearly a law office. However even then there are options such as hiring a barrister through the new Direct Access scheme instead of going through a solicitor. There are certainly more quality, cost-effective, and quicker solutions to legal problems these days.
A quick note on navigation as the firm uses some generic terms in the web address and branding. The full firm's title is Aspire Licensing & Administrative Services with the official web address of, currently is not in use. There is a firm called Aspire Law but that's a totally different group with their own website. Their website is https secure though for entering your person details in the contact form.
But this shouldn't pose a huge amount of risk anyway due to the area of law they deal in. At the moment, most fraudsters are doing their best to target people selling or buying a house as the money scammed is clearly much larger potential amounts. People have given away millions each year to fraudsters. Mostly due to having recieved an email that looked official telling them to change over and send the house deposit money to a totally different bank account. Obviously, never discuss such payments via email or even with someone that calls you up. You can always hang up and ring back on the phone number you know is correct to ask about it. A last word from Aspire's own site:
General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Aspire Licensing it's best to visit the website (, check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.
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4.1 / 5 based on 14 reviews. †
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» - One last actually boastful sentence from the firm's site ...
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» - However if you type 'education law service' or similar terms into a search engine such as 'education law firm' or just 'educational law service' - you may see several related web addresses such as www ...
» - But it's surely a fair one ...
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To check whether someone is a qualified solicitor or that a firm has one on staff ...
» - That's great ...
» - For example ...
» - For example ...
» - The information provided user-side rivals anything we've seen from other Law Societies across the UK ...
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That's quite a feat for a firm that handles property matters because typically most people wish their house sale could have gone smoother or faster or they believe they could have gotten a better deal ...
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» - We did see a couple of complaints ...
» - The official website we link to is www ... | | | | | | | |
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