Dispute Resolver Consultancy: Info
Dispute Resolver Consultancy - Mediation & Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR in London: Review
At 1to1Legal we try to bring together a wide range of legal help options. We are not a directory just cramming as many high street solicitors as possible into the pages. We have plenty of regular multi practice firms, but also niche case handlers and alternative services such as accountants who may be better placed (and less expensive) for handling a tax matter.
There has been a rise in the use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in the UK. Many law firms have started offering this service and using this process but there are also a number of firms being created specifically to focus on this way of dealing with a legal matter. One such firm is the Dispute Resolver Consultancy.
Summing up the wide range of alternative options involved in this process in a few sentences is difficult. Not least because it can cover every single area of law from family disputes to an argument with a shop keeper. But here is a explanatory snippet from the Citizens Advice website:
For this you would expect that the more experienced an arbitrator is the better chance you have of being led down the right path and getting the best resolution. At the time of writing this, the Dispute Resolver Consultancy states 14 years of experience on their website and over 500 cases handled which certainly sounds like the level you would want.
Normally at this point in a review article we would point out where to get independent information on such a firm. For solicitors it might be their local Law Society and for barristers it would be the Bar Standards Board. Although, you don't get much information from the latter. However, for ADR professionals there doesn't seem to be a solid organisation watching over everything to refer you to. We found a website listing ADR firms but it seemed to be aimed at specific industries which doesn't match what most people will be looking for. They all seem more of an ombudsmen type of process. More from the Citizens Advice site:
Conciliation, mediation, arbitration, and ombudsmen directions are all very similar in that they involve trying to work out a solution between two parties. But it's best to speak to an expert about your specific case to work out which will be the best course for you. While one may sound easier or more likely to succeed on paper, it may not work best for your particular problem.
The Dispute Resolver website states they can help resolve disputes across Europe, Africa, Middle East, USA, Russia, China, India, and South America. They offer a 30 minute free consultation to discuss your issue and see if ADR can help get the matter resolved without the need for court. If the matter does go to court, sometimes using ADR beforehand can help define the issue and break it down to the specifics that are in dispute. This can save considerable court time and therefore legal fees required to complete the case.
There are client testimonials on this firm's website. However it was difficult to find any on the public review boards such as Google or Trustpilot. It's possible this could be because the firm is using generic terms in the name - i.e. 'dispute' and 'resolver'. We've seen this with law firms that use words such as 'law' or 'legal' in their name. Google has also made changes so that reviews of a firm will often not pop up with just their name entered into the search. They often need the name of the town they are based in as well before they will show extra details.
"excellent attention to detail"
"decisions were received promptly and the final disposition was fair to all parties"
A quick note on navigation. The firm's website is HTTPS secure for submitting your details on their contact form. The official website is www.dispute-resolver.com while the non-hyphenated www.disputeresolver.com is not currently in use. The .co.uk versions for each are also not in use. For ADR matters this is not as crucial but you never know what scammers are going to come up with next so stay vigilant. People have lost their life savings by going to a website which looked similar to the one they thought they were on. People have also handed their entire house deposit to a fraudster sometimes based on a single faked email. Pay attention to the site you're on and always ring the number you have if not sure.
General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Dispute Resolver Consultancy it's best to visit the website (www.dispute-resolver.com), check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.
This Dispute Resolver Consultancy article is rated
4.5 / 5 based on 28 reviews. †
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