Brodies LLP Solicitors: Info
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Brodies LLP Solicitors in Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh & Inverness Scotland: Review
Hopefully it's apparent that 1to1Legal is not just another directory of law firms. Directories often cram in as many firms as possible from each industry and area. There is usually no background check or even effort to check they are a real law firm. With the birth of the internet, people can now choose from hundreds of thousands of legal service providers across the nation rather than being tied to their local high street law practice.
However, this wealth of choice comes with its own difficulties of being able to tell each firm apart and decide which is best for you. While a firm stating they are 'friendly' or 'experienced' sounds great - it needs to be noted that every single law firm will claim to have both those qualities. So those words are pretty much meaningless. You need to find the things that set firms apart from each other, not what just sounds good on a webpage next to an image of lawyers smiling and shaking hands.
That's the first time we've ever quoted Wikipedia when writing about a firm of solicitors. So while the words themselves don't really tell you why you should choose them - the fact this firm has a Wikipedia article about their company does indicate something about them. They are clearly a well-established firm and also a large firm. Not just large in the sense of multiple offices, but in the level of transactions they engage in.
The argument is often made that large firms can bring a wealth of resources and a brand name to back up your case - while a smaller firm may be more personable and treat clients like family rather than just another case. That may have been true a few decades back when the line between a large and small firm was obvious and fairly common. But these days, the majority of law firms we work with are at varying points on that scale between those two extremes. You can receive great attention from a large firm and some small specialist firms have amazing resources and experience to draw on. So what other factors can you use to distinguish between legal service providers?
That's a quote from Brodie's own website and brings us to our first resource that might help people research a firm they're thinking of using. Although Brodies is essentially a Scottish firm of solicitors with offices in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Inverness - they also list office locations in London (England), Brussels (Belgium), and Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates).
Unfortunately, the Law Society of Scotland does not have most user-friendly website out of all the law societies. We can't even link you to a page to view the details they hold. We can only direct you to the search function on their site for you to then try and get information to pop up for yourself.
Most law firms will state positively about their staff, expertise and experience. Not many will be able to boast these sorts of numbers. However, how can you check whether the actual solicitor you've spoken to genuinely has the focus and experience under their belt? Unlike the Scottish Law Society, the Law Society of England & Wales provides a huge amount of data to users. Since Brodies Solicitors LLP has registered an office in London, you can see all the details about this Scottish firm on the English/Welsh legal professionals database.
The Law Society of England & Wales will show you all office locations, contact information, and even languages spoken at the firm. More importantly, they will also show you the expertise and qualification date of any solicitor registered to each office. For example it states Christopher Dun qualified as a solicitor in 1990, Robert Bradshaw in 2003, Andrew Clarke in 2012, right up to Kirstyn Burke in 2022. That's a range of solicitors with experience throughout the past four decades.
All firms will also undoubtedly claim to have happy past clients. That can't possibly be true of course. Some firms must have had problems or fall short of their promises. That's why most people turn to the independent comment boards such as Google, Trustpilot or Facebook rather than simply reading the customer testimonials provided by a company. It's only there you get to hear both sides. This is true for all services from barristers to baristas.
"dealt with everything in a clear, timely and professional manner"
"professional and empathetic, responding quickly and effectively"
"I was well advised and supported"
Those are a few snippets from the public review forums. As you can see, most were positive like these. Google has made some changes recently though which you may need to work around. Rather than simply showing you all reviews for a company, they may show zero reviews when you first type in the firm's name. This is because you may need to add a specific town where an office is located such as 'brodies llp glasgow' or 'brodies law firm edinburgh' to see reviews. Even then, it will only be reviews people have entered for that one office. To see more, you will have to type in another office location.
According to our poll a few years back, it's not just us industry workers who like a good case study. Nearly three quarters of people ticked that they prefer to see case studies by a firm before deciding to use them. Certainly Brodies caters for this need. But there are other points about navigation we should cover as well. The firm's branding usually includes the main name even if it does sometimes get area specific such as the Abu Dhabi office being run by Brodies Middle East LLP.
The official site is and at the moment does not redirect you there. There doesn't seem to be any other firms popping up in the search with similar names. However, don't get complacent. Over the past years the number of property clients of law firms getting scammed has risen dramatically. Sometimes people are handing over their entire house deposit to a fraudster simply because they received an official-looking email stating the bank payment details had changed at the last minute. Don't fall for this stuff.
General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. For a career with Brodies LLP Solicitors it's best to visit the website (, check opening hours, and find the correct phone/email contact details. Simply emailing a CV to reception looks lazy. Each law firm's Law Society and/or SRA number should be on their site, usually at the bottom of each page.

This Brodies LLP Solicitors article is rated
4.2 / 5 based on 18 reviews. †
(Voting has been paused for this page.)

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» Crockett Solicitors - Also note that they are listed as 'Crockett Ltd' with organisations such as The Law Society page we link to above ...
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